On 28 Apr 2023 at 7:25pm SHS-2 wrote:
Gas currently 87 pence per therm, the same as July 2021. That's down from 300 to 700 pence per therm in 2022. So why am I being billed 9.8p per kWh currently whereas in July 2021 I was being billed 2.97p per kWh? Are most people so rich they don't care?
On 28 Apr 2023 at 8:13pm Tom Pain wrote:
I think it has a lot to do with the futures market and financial vampires gouging prices. People may be protesting but if the media chose not to report it: how would we know? The Dutch farmers have been protesting very vigorously about their troubles but there's not much mention in our media. We had very large protests against lockdowns but the media made them seem small and insignificant.
On 29 Apr 2023 at 12:16pm Nevillman wrote:
Good question shs which had me googling to find out. There is an interesting Martin Lewis article on his money expert website and the answer is complicated and relates to the energy price cap which I suggest you read. It is easy to see why some people go for simplistic answers like "price gouging". Why don't we protest? Where and how would we protest? At present Martin Lewis says it is not worth hunting cheaper rates but soon it may well be. Even then, the majority of people will not bother despite it being quite simple to change suppliers. Up to a point, the market for energy suppliers seems reasonably free although they attempt to confuse us with different and confusing tariffs. They should be forced to simplify them further. Even then the majority of people won't bother to look for the best rate let alone protest.
On 29 Apr 2023 at 9:34pm Tom Pain wrote:
I've just had an email from my energy supplier which reminded me of one very pertinent reason for high energy bills- the high cost of subsidising so called alternative energy. The price of gas may have gone down but you have to add on the subsidies you are paying.
On 29 Apr 2023 at 10:55pm Nevillman wrote:
I'm afraid the reality is that given all the evidence for the burning of fossil fuels releasing co2 which is causing global warming then fossil fuelled energy should be even more expensive to reflect the real cost of it to the environment.
On 30 Apr 2023 at 8:46am Tom Pain wrote:
It's a good theory. It reminds me of the 97% of scientists that believed in piltdown man. It went along with the trend in science current at the time. At least we can agree that the high energy prices are due to government action.
On 30 Apr 2023 at 9:27am Green Sleeves wrote:
*sigh* how many more idiotic comments can TP do in a day? Now we're resorting to using "the piltdown man", from one fraud individual in the early 20th century, to discredit decades of climate science, rigorously tested by thousands of experts in this field, just because "Tom Pain" doesn't like the overall sound and message of climate change.
Curiously enough, the discovery that the piltdown man was merely a fraud and not the "missing link", did nothing to actually dispel the theory of human evolution as some sort of myth. Its not like that one incident has led us to believe any different from the origins of our species as subsequent evidence has been far more overwhelming.
On 30 Apr 2023 at 7:30pm Nevillman wrote:
I'm not sure I do agree that high energy prices are due to government action. There are a number of causes of which government action may be one. I would need to look into it a lot more closely and can't be bothered. You may just believe the first thing that comes into your head without evidence Tom but many prefer to consider things more carefully.
There is no evidence that 97% of scientists believed in the piltdown man. The study of human origins is a much smaller field than the study of the environment and many of the scientists were sceptical from the start.
The evidence to support the damage that human released carbon is causing is a lot more compelling than the evidence to support the piltdown man and there appears to be much more of a consensus from more scientists.
Why do you think that is so Tom? Surely not a consp.......
I really hope they are all wrong Tom. It will be a lot simpler all round but fear they are not. Our current standard of living really does appear to have only come from ruining the environment for future generations and using up far more than our fair share of the earth's resources.
On 30 Apr 2023 at 7:45pm SHS-2 wrote:
The preceding well-researched comments are noted. However if the govt can pay for criminals in prison to bask in a minium 16 Celsius why can't they ensure a low and un-changing price for gas for the wider population, so that we have no need to sleep in the freezer to get warm?
On 30 Apr 2023 at 9:59pm Tom Pain wrote:
Sleevie would give up his tropes before you would agree with me,nev. By the way, who lent our government the billions they're giving to Ukraine? I bet it wasn't insurance companies.
On 30 Apr 2023 at 10:08pm Nevillman wrote:
I think Tom's mate Putin is the main reason SHS.
No idea Tom. Try googling it and look at a few responses before deciding which looks the most likely while accepting that it is unlikely to be a conspiracy.
On 1 May 2023 at 10:27pm Tom Pain wrote:
Tom's mate Putin!!!!!! It's good to see you're leading by example in your worthy quest for serious debate on the forum.
On 2 May 2023 at 9:00am Green Sleeves wrote:
I don't think you particularly like Putin, but its fair to say you are an apologist for the Putin regime, and spouting similar propaganda and rhetoric. Of course its also undeniable that "truth" is somewhat harder to navigate during a war setting.....but when you have basically every country in the world condemning Russia for invading Ukraine, and realistically only a couple of fellow dictatorships backing Russia. Perhaps the twist in this whole saga is that Putin and his stooge Lukashenko, are actually the good guys in all of this!! Seems unlikely, but perhaps we've watched too many movies, and we're not used to the good guys being oppressive dictators that have been in power for a dubiously long period of time and fabulously wealthy.
On 2 May 2023 at 1:18pm Nevillman wrote:
Sorry Tom. I heard you were seen drinking with Putin in the green Man but it must have been someone else Putin was drinking with and I withdraw my remark about him being your mate.
I can't help thinking though, that if you were questing serious debate on this forum you might have picked up on other points raised about your views.
On 2 May 2023 at 8:16pm Tom Pain wrote:
Such as what nev?
On 3 May 2023 at 10:03am Nevillman wrote:
Why do you think the vast majority of scientists who have studied the climate change think that it is due to human action Tom? That will do for a start.
On 4 May 2023 at 8:55pm Tom Pain wrote:
For starters, I don't believe it. It's ridiculous, did all the scientists in the world fill in a questionnaire? Come on. If you mean the IPCC, their remit is to study man made warming, heating or is it now scorching. Also it's the only line that gets funding. Anyway, we've been through this before, are you fishing?
On 9 May 2023 at 5:41pm knight temlar wrote:
nothing happen cos there a bunch of pxxxxs.french kick off when there coffee is cold ,uk o well suppose we got to pay for attitude.