Lewes Forum Terms & Conditions

In these Conditions of Use:-
'We' means Webmaster of the Lewes.co.uk forum and 'you' means the user of the Forum.

  1. Conditions of Use
    If you wish to upload or post information on this Forum, you are responsible for what you say. The owner of the forum takes no responsibility for any comments posted by others on this forum
  2. Personal Information/Data Protection
    We will respect your personal information in accordance with all applicable UK Data Protection legislation. All personal information which you provide will be stored on computer. You consent to such information being used by us for marketing purposes including making you aware of goods and services which in our opinion you may find of interest. You consent to this information being disclosed to our group companies whether such companies are based in the US, the UK, in each case to enable them to use such information for marketing purposes. If you object to such use of your information, you must inform us in writing. All information may be retained for up to six months after you provide it and used for the same purposes.
  3. Uploading or Posting to this Forum
    You agree not to upload or post on to this Forum information, files or software or any other materials:-
    (i) containing pornography;
    (ii) containing sexually explicit or offensive content;
    (iii) containing vulgar or obscene language;
    (iv) containing racially or ethnically offensive content;
    (v) containing material which is illegal or criminal or regarding illegal activity or designed to encourage illegal activity or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever;
    (vi) intended to harass, insult, or threaten any party;
    (vii) which offer products or services or contain advertising for any products or services or promote any party's commercial interests in any manner whatsoever. We shall have the right to determine what constitutes the promotion of a commercial interest;
    (viii) which infringe any copyright, design rights, database rights or other intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party without the consent of that third party;
    (ix) containing defamatory or libelous content;
    (x) which have been manipulated in order to disguise the origin of any uploaded/posted material;
    (xi) which may interfere with or disrupt the services provided by us.
    If you post or upload onto this Forum any information, files, software or other materials or provide any links to other sites or materials, you are responsible for such and for any claims which may be made by third parties in that respect. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify us and our group companies against any claims, damages, costs, losses, expenses or liabilities which we may incur as a result of any misuse or unlawful use of this Forum by you including, without limitation, arising from any breach of the rules set out in this Condition 3 carried out by you or by a third party for whom you are responsible.
    If you contribute information, files, software or other materials to this Forum, you hereby grant us and our group companies and other users of this Forum, a royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right to edit, amend, reformat, copy, publish (in any medium whether paper based or electronic), sub-license and distribute any such materials. You will not submit any such materials unless you are able to grant such rights. You will indemnify us against any claims, damages, costs, losses, expenses or liabilities which we may incur if you do not have such rights to grant.
  4. Use of this Forum
    You agree not to do anything which is likely to, or intended to, disrupt use by others of this Forum or which amounts to spamming.
    You agree to use all reasonable endeavors not to upload or post onto this Forum any materials which contain viruses, worms, logic bombs or other destructive features or contaminants.
    You agree not to falsely impersonate another person when using this Forum.
    You agree not to reveal the identity of any other poster.
    You agree that your posts may be reused and / or submitted to third party social networking sites for SEO purposes.
    We reserve the right to block or ban any user from using or viewing this Forum without notice or explanation
  5. Removal of Materials by Webmaster
    We reserve the right at any time to edit or remove any information, files, software or other materials from this Forum which are or may be in our opinion, in breach of any of the rules set out in Condition 3 or are otherwise harmful or offensive in any way to any person or where complaints are received in respect of such materials. We will not be liable to any person who has placed such materials on this Forum, irrespective of any such editing or removal. We do not, however, guarantee prompt editing or removal of any such material from this Forum in such circumstances.
  6. Exclusion of Liability for materials on the Site
    The information, files, software and other materials contained within this forum are provided by individual contributors. The webmaster does not monitor or edit such materials nor does it monitor conduct on this forum. Any views, opinions or statements made in such materials are those of the contributors and we do not endorse those. We do not accept any responsibility or liability to any person in respect of any materials contained with this bulletin and in particular, without limitation, for:
    1. any inaccuracy or errors or omissions in such materials;
    2. the incompleteness of any such materials;
    3. any software, information or products which may be provided or offered from such materials;
    4. any use which may be made of such materials;
    5. defamatory, harmful, criminal, pornographic or offensive content in such materials; or
    6. the conduct of any users of this forum.
  7. Accessible/Linked Third Party Materials and Sites
    Any third party sites, forums, materials, information, software or files which may be accessed from the materials contributed to this forum or which are linked to the materials contributed to this forum are the sole responsibility of the third party providing such access or link or operating or offering such. we give no warranty in respect of such and accept no responsibility or liability to any person for such or for any use which may be made of such.
  8. Rights in Forum
    We own the content of this Forum (other than the content submitted by contributors) together with all copyright and other intellectual rights therein and the design and presentation of this Forum. Use or copying or publishing, in whole or in part, without our express written consent is prohibited.
  9. Webmaster’s Right to Ban Use
    Without prejudice to any other rights which may be available to us, we reserve the right to cancel the registration of any user of this Forum or to ban any user from this Forum without notice or explanation.
  10. Amendments
    These Conditions of Use may be amended from time to time and, if such amendments are made, the amended Conditions of Use will be placed on this page and will be binding on each user of this Forum.
  11. Passwords
    Where applicable, you are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of any user name and password provided to you on registration. You shall not disclose your user name or password to any third party. You are responsible for all activities which occur under your user name and/or password. If you become aware that any third party has obtained access to your user name or password or of any unauthorised use of your user name or password, you must report such to us immediately.
  12. Law
    These Conditions of Use shall be construed in accordance with English law. If there is any dispute arising out of these Conditions or use of the Forum, the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.