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Ocean adventure at Lewes leisure centre

On 7 Feb 2013 at 2:47pm Annmarie wrote:
Just come back from ocean adventure and that place can not of been cleaned for months if not longer I have taken some pictures of how bad it is !!! Wish there were more facilities for children in Lewes !
On 7 Feb 2013 at 7:22pm SHS wrote:
You could go to the beach. But I agree AM, I see the swimming club doesn't start until late evening, after young childrens bedtimes. Are there any worthwhile after-school before-supper activities for under-nines in Lewes? Chess? Scouts? Maths club? Science club? Work experience?
On 8 Feb 2013 at 8:31am Winterbourne Wanderer wrote:
If Annemarie's going to Ocean Adventure her kids will be too young for all those things, SHS. Annemarie, on cold or wet toddler days I used to get a lot of mileage out of going to the Kingston garden centre. Sounds odd but great place for kids and nice cafe. We would be there for a good couple of hours.
On 8 Feb 2013 at 11:44am Old Cynic wrote:
Annemarie - I presume you spoke to the duty manager at the Lesiure Centre? It often gets mucky because people refuse to take off their outdoor shoes and trample mud and crap through - then they leave all their rubbish in the cubicles for others to clear away!
On 8 Feb 2013 at 9:25pm fifi wrote:
Ocean Adventure has always been dirty - look up towards the roof space where the netting and structure meet and you can see that its never been
cleaned , there is years of dust and dirt above your head.
The garden centre at Kingston has a new soft play area adjoining the cafe - its only small but £1.50 for an hour and you can buy good refreshments .
The leisure centre is within walking distance from most of Lewes whereas Kingston is slightly further .
Annmarie - if you would like ideas for activities for your young children please ask me - I have cared for small children in the Lewes area for a long time !
On 9 Feb 2013 at 6:46pm Annmarie wrote:
I contacted manager of wave leisure and he emailed to say he has sent someone to go and look and has reasured me it has been cleaned now thanks for advice will pop over to Kingston garden centre my son is 5 and on a waiting list to start school so I'm interested in any activities for his age is you have any ideas that would be great x
On 9 Feb 2013 at 9:37pm fifi wrote:
The play area at the garden centre is more suited to slightly younger children - Spring Barn Farm is excellent when the weather is better , likewise Paradise Park at Newhaven . Monkey Bizness , on the industrial estate outside Lewes is very popular . The Leisure Centre have holiday activities and so do the YMCA building , the castle also stages activities in the school hols . Tumble Tots hold a session at Kings Church weekly and is suitable for toddlers to 8 ish , its a type of organised gym session with emphasis on safety and social skills .There's a leisure centre at Seaford that has an indoor play area ( Dino's ) and a football pitch .The toy library meets on a Wed morning at the All Saints Centre and there's a drop in music group there too .

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