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Nevill road mast

On 16 Apr 2023 at 11:18pm Tom Pain wrote:
Does anyone know anything about this. I saw some flyers about this a few weeks ago asking for it to be removed. The flyers have gone but the mast is still there.
On 17 Apr 2023 at 1:43pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Is it a 5g mast TP? Does it impact those who got the vaccine the most?

Or you just curious about web connectivity?
On 19 Apr 2023 at 12:01pm Nevillman wrote:
Why don't you use Google to get an answer to your question Tom? You will find a Sussex express article covering it. Please give us your opinion on it once you have done so.
On 20 Apr 2023 at 8:37am Tom Pain wrote:
I tried googling the Ringmer blaze snd got nowhere but thanks for the tip.
On 20 Apr 2023 at 10:44am Nevillman wrote:
I'm afraid that googling ringmer blaze is very unlikely to tell you anything about the mast on nevill but well done for making a start Tom. Try something more relevant to what you are trying to find out about next time.
On 20 Apr 2023 at 11:26am Green Sleeves wrote:
I do sometimes wonder if Tom Pain is some sort of automated trollbot.
On 20 Apr 2023 at 8:05pm Tom Pain wrote:
I see it's been well vandalised, someone cares about their children's health.
On 21 Apr 2023 at 8:25am Nevillman wrote:
Where is the Lewis graffiti community action group when you need it?
On 21 Apr 2023 at 8:38am Tom Pain wrote:
It's a bit more tactile than a few slogans.
On 21 Apr 2023 at 9:50am Green Sleeves wrote:
Amazing that despite limited evidence, 5g is a threat, yet covid was just a "seasonal flu". How many lives has 5g taken? Can we expect an entire school of bald headed kids sick with radiation poisoning?

One conspiracy to another.....i say it time and time again. Get a grip.
On 21 Apr 2023 at 10:39am Nevillman wrote:
Careful green. Just because some people think that a group of people conspire to hide the truth, it doesn't make it a conspiracy. It's just sensible people realising that everyone else is stupid. Have I got that right Tom?
On 21 Apr 2023 at 2:32pm Tom Pain wrote:
It's all in your mind brain thieves with your confectionery theories and as usual nev's debate club has come up with another damp squib as it reaches yet another nadir of negativity.
On 21 Apr 2023 at 4:17pm Green Sleeves wrote:
When the 5g conspiracy theories started, it wasn't any surprise that TP latched on it and celebrating the attacks on mobile phone masts by ignorant mouth-breathers desperate to be a local hero.

5g emits non-ionising radiation. You'd have to be virtually strapped to the thing to feel any heat from it. Its simply not at a frequency high enough to pose any sort of health risk to rats, let alone humans. I would suspect that following debunked conspiracy theories on a daily basis is probably far more harmful to ones own health than 5g.

Now what about those chemtrails i saw in the sky yesterday? We're DOOOOOOMMMED.
On 21 Apr 2023 at 8:54pm Tom Pain wrote:
It's not the heating potential that people are worried about, that's a conspiracy theory especially for people like you and the lizard mongers. It's a strawman that any fool can knock down and don't they rush for the chance.
On 21 Apr 2023 at 11:02pm Green Sleeves wrote:
So what is the worry then? Is the mast part of the climbing frame? Stop wasting posts and just explain what the conspiracy theory about 5g masts is.

Is it just 5g masts, or are 4g masts also something for us to freak out about? How many people have died from mobile phone masts?! Probably not as many as covid.....and you ridiculed people wearing harmless face masks as a precaution. You are quite irrational.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 8:23am Nevillman wrote:
I'm not altogether sure I agree with your comment about my nadir of negativity Tom. I'm not the one that has a problem with 5g masts. You seem to be the one that views them in a negative light although as green points out, you won't say what the problem is.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 10:16am Tom Pain wrote:
What a quaint pair of old reactionary curmudgeons you are. Pouncing on any opinion at varience to your own quotidian views with a vindictive zeal akin to Dickensian beadles. In stark contrast, you embrace any new untested technology or pharmacology with callow, gleeful trust. What strange contradictory behaviour and in lockstep to boot.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 10:32am Nevillman wrote:
Have to disagree again Tom. You haven't given any opinions on 5g masts apart from intimating that you don't like them but not because of their heat. I haven't expressed any opinion on them at all but asked you to explain what you are saying so that I can understand your argument and then decide if I agree with it or not. Once again I am wondering why you post on a public forum. Why don't you just post on forum where you know people will agree with you. I'm sure you come across these on a regular basis on the websites you use.
I assure you there is no vindictive zeal in my posts. Just a desire to understand if you are trying to say something and what it is.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 10:51am BobbyG wrote:
I wonder what it would be like if you three met each other in real life...
On 22 Apr 2023 at 11:01am Green Sleeves wrote:
5g is hardly new technology, and certainly not "untested" - these are heavily regulated industries and with enough "red tape" to make brexiteers weep. Its all safe radio wave tech on varying frequencies not high enough to even harm a birds egg nested on the antennas. We have this with every generation of wireless technology deployment....old conspiracy theorists who literally want to use tinfoil to protect their incredibly precious brains from being fried.

"Vaccines and telecoms masts bad.......brexit and Putin good!"
On 22 Apr 2023 at 11:07am Nevillman wrote:
I have worked out who Tom is and used to see him quite regularly. I always got on well with him and know he is a very personable pleasant chap in real life. Unless he has changed dramatically since I last saw him, I take Tom to just be a persona.
Obviously green and I know each other very well and meet most days to plan our attacks on Tom don't we Tom.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 12:15pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Im sure we would all have a civilised debate just like on here. I might not show up if Hamid Barr was part of the meet up posse.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 9:46pm Tom Pain wrote:
It's so long since I had a look at the 5g stuff and anyway the thread is not about 5g but the mast. Normal extremist sleevie doesnt like subjects like that and veers off to brexit conspiracies and his usual beadling routine, totally unaware that all his opinions are shared by the whole tory party (except andrew bridgen), and all the colonel blimps at the dinosaur club going "safe pair of hands nothing to see here read it in the times bomb Putin he's getting our profits more immigration keep the wages down. My objection to 5g has nothing to do your science-lite tosh, we don't need it, we don't need driverless cars, smart(dumb) cities or total surveillance.
On 22 Apr 2023 at 11:38pm Green Sleeves wrote:
No....YOU don't need 5g. You are 107 years old TP, and aren't going to directly benefit from having gigabit connectivity to your phone, watch and car etc. Connecting people and businesses faster and more robustly is hardly a threat to our existence.

As for driverless cars and cities with conveniences, please don't spook me out with such scary visions of the future. You have no reason to fear such things, other than because you've been told to fear them by the anti-Davos brigade. You are so predictable Tom, its painful. What technology do you actually like? Nuclear weapons, nuclear power stations?
On 23 Apr 2023 at 8:46am Nevillman wrote:
Now we get to see the real Tom. Just another person who wants to tell everyone else what they should want and for the world to stop at just the moment they choose. I can't wait for driverless cars.
On 23 Apr 2023 at 9:20pm Tom Pain wrote:
Uh oh, the axis of evil gets in top gear! Sleevie's fake binaries go from the ridiculous to the bathetic. The man who thinks the climate and corona virus are out to get him thinks I'm out to spook him! I'll ignore his vile ageism out of respect for his tender years and paucity of IQ. Where have I told you what you should want nev? Methinks these saucy knaves do protest too much, avaunt ye trollish louts, jackanapes, bullies, neither gentlemen nor scholars, return to the mephitic swamp that spawned you.
On 24 Apr 2023 at 10:23am Green Sleeves wrote:
I think this guy has been recommended medication before and has refused it for decades due to various conspiracy theories. TP, they don't do lobotomy's anymore, relax.
On 24 Apr 2023 at 10:48am Nevillman wrote:
The difference between a need and a want is subtle and subjective Tom. I want a driverless car now but soon when I am not safe to drive, I will need one. You have clearly posted your objection to the mast is fuelled by your belief that we don't need them therefore despite your denial you are telling people what they want.
Seriously Tom, you would be better to argue that you object to the mast because of the dangers of 5g. I really think that being proud of your belief in conspiracy theories would be good for your self esteem.
On 24 Apr 2023 at 8:03pm Tom Pain wrote:
Bad cop - good cop. The Tom.p.sons strike again.
On 25 Apr 2023 at 3:31pm Nevillman wrote:
Just because everyone is out to get you, it doesn't mean that you're not paranoid Tom.
On 25 Apr 2023 at 11:56pm Tom Pain wrote:
Seriously nev, you'd be better if you argued with yourself, oh you are already.
On 27 Apr 2023 at 9:32pm Nevillman wrote:
Well done Tom. Looks like you won again. Please start another thread and put green, myself and anyone else brave enough to the intellectual sword once again
On 28 Apr 2023 at 10:42am Tom Pain wrote:
That would be going too far for my paranoia to cope with, perhaps instead, you would give us an update of the mental health of all posters under the peerless imprimatur of the nevill green amateur psychology society.
On 28 Apr 2023 at 2:48pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Im sure you are tired of your sanity being questioned...and not just on here.
On 29 Apr 2023 at 8:50am Tom Pain wrote:
Sanity? Mental hygiene? Is your brain well washed?
On 30 Apr 2023 at 9:31am Green Sleeves wrote:
Someone just tie up this thread right now, i'll even permit yawn lord tom pain have the last word that he is so desperate for.

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