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Bad service

On 21 Feb 2017 at 10:48am MUM wrote:
Why do Clarkes shoes sell children shoes when the people working there have got no clue how to deal with kids? Am I the only one who have walked out of there with no shoes and really angry with the staff? Last week Ihad this lady suggesting that I was stupid for not having my child's feet measured, the child clearly didn't want to and she was reluctant to sell me shoes without. Its my own problem if the shoes dont fit clearly.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 11:15am Horseman7 wrote:
Possibly bad customer.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 12:13pm Mum wrote:
Why Horseman?
On 21 Feb 2017 at 1:24pm Bert wrote:
It sounds like they were being professional and turning down money rather than risk selling a child badly fitting shoes. They'll be getting my business.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 1:38pm Mum wrote:
Bert, it was the attitude, she could have said that but she was suggesting I was so wrong. Not very professional.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 1:38pm Marco wrote:
@Bert. Exactly. If things go wrong, the fact that the shoes were bought unfitted will conveniently be forgotten.
Why not buy from eBay if you are prepared to risk the proper growth of your children's feet?
On 21 Feb 2017 at 1:49pm Mum wrote:
I can see you all think that the staff was right, thanks for letting me know.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 2:04pm shopkeeper wrote:
and if they didnt fit, would you take them back (now used) and ask for a refund or try another pair? which again might not fit?, they would be just throwing money away.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 2:32pm Clark wrote:
Order your own child foot measurement tool from their website so you can measure your difficult child's feet in the comfort of your own home. And then return and purchase without said child or buy on line. Simple!
On 21 Feb 2017 at 2:59pm K wrote:
It's not other peoples responsibility to deal with children that are not theirs. Perhaps you should have taken some parental high ground and told your child to sit down and have their feet measured?
I can appreciate your annoyance because you just wanted to get some shoes etc...but coming onto a forum and slating a company/shop worker, that was just trying to do their job, is not particularly smart.
Perhaps try the Shoe Gallery on the hill, they have lovely shoes, and the staff are nice too.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 3:05pm X Ray wrote:
They used to x ray your feet back in the day - I blame that for mine growing to size 13 by secondary school.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 3:57pm Mum wrote:
K: Some children are not just told to sit down and have their feet measured, dont know what planet you are on. The staff seemed to frown upon a parent who couldn't get their child to get the feet measured, which in my world is a bit rude. Should try and be a bit understanding.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 4:19pm Tim wrote:
Great example of where things are going wrong today. This is thin end of the wedge stuff, discipline and respect is required. Imagine that child in a few years time.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 4:25pm Dad wrote:
I agree with mum. Sometimes a child just won't sit down for anything! It's not the responsibility of the shop whether you choose to buy shoes without getting very measured. However, I wouldn't expect any sympathy or reasonable discussion on Lewes forum! I'm surprised that no-one has accused you of being a DFL or highjacked the thread to discuss brexit yet! Drugs anyone?
On 21 Feb 2017 at 4:26pm Bit harsh... wrote:
A few people are being a bit harsh and judgemental.
But I can understand it, as you can't just slap any old pair of shoes on without it having implications on the child's feet if they don't fit.
Plus there's a high chance of the shoes coming back for a refund...
This is a serious question, can you really not get the child to behave long enough to get it's feet measured? If so I agree with Tim, "imagine that child in a few years time", scary!
On 21 Feb 2017 at 4:35pm Just me wrote:
I can totally see where you are coming from with regards to wanting shoes and not getting them, but, feet really do need to be looked after correctly so i think not selling you the shoes without measuring was probably the right thing.
Brantano sell clarks shoes if you happen to be that way
On 21 Feb 2017 at 4:55pm + wrote:
Mum, you have had lots of good advice on this thread. Just remember, it is the parent's job to teach their children good behaviour. What happens in your house is your own concern, but the children should know how to behave in public. Why didn't you explain to them why they needed to have their feet measured, even before you entered the shop?
On 21 Feb 2017 at 7:47pm Mum wrote:
Well, a 3 year old boy is 3 year old boy, he was not misbehaving, probably just picking up on the staff's grumpy behaviour. He just wanted to leave and I dont blame him! Why should I force him to do something, I just wanted to buy the shoes, but seemed like I was being a criminal for doing this, I see the sunny side of it now, Thanks for your messages though!
On 21 Feb 2017 at 8:13pm We'vehadourfun wrote:
Now this it what this forum is all about. Glad to see some order being restored.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 8:24pm No Pot Pourri wrote:
Looks like it could be tricky when he needs injections and dental visits...
On 21 Feb 2017 at 9:24pm Local wrote:
I expect this over-indulged brat will be going to Lewes New School soon...
On 21 Feb 2017 at 9:52pm Tim wrote:
I'm fairly certain that Parenting Classes are still available.
On 21 Feb 2017 at 10:58pm JillG wrote:
When I was little, and we lived way away from shoe shops, I remember it being a good game when my parents got me and my sister to stand on a sheet of paper and they drew round my feet; they then went and got shoes (true, boring school shoes) to match. Maybe try that, Mum?
On 22 Feb 2017 at 5:53am Tim wrote:
Excellent JillG, or maybe, Mum gets her feet measured at the same time. Don't just descend on the shoe shop. Turn it into an adventure, explain what is going to happen, find a pair of shoes they like but make it clear they are special shoes and can only have them by measuring feet first etc.
On 22 Feb 2017 at 6:28am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Shouldn't this be on mumsnet?
Serious overreaction to a member of staff being grumpy when confronted with a badly-behaved child and the parent being unable to get him to do what was required of him?
That's right up the mumsnet street.
On 22 Feb 2017 at 7:05am I don't live in Lewes... wrote:
Sounds like an ATP (All Too Precious) as it has to be someone else's fault. Agree with Tims approach about making it an adventure while firmly saying no feet measure no new shoes.
God help his future teachers.
On 22 Feb 2017 at 8:48am Lewes Voter 3 wrote:
Child needs a proper belting from its father when he gets home. We didn't mess around much after those!
On 22 Feb 2017 at 1:11pm Temper tantrum (police) wrote:
Worth noting to save yourself future hassle Mum.

Check it out here »
On 22 Feb 2017 at 2:55pm Mum wrote:
Getting a bit worried about having moved to this place, should have stayed in London, people down here are special!
On 22 Feb 2017 at 3:27pm Temper tantrum wrote:
I hate to burst your bubble but I am born and bred in London...
On 22 Feb 2017 at 9:10pm Angry wrote:
Bloody DFL!!!!!
Very angry((((
On 23 Feb 2017 at 1:23am millicent wrote:
I used to manage a top end shoe shop who sold Clarkes children's shoes.
Clarkes main USP is their fitting service and they have a great reputation to maintain in this respect.
Fitters are trained to measure the feet and ensure the chosen shoe fits properly, They take that responsibility very seriously, as would you if you saw the result of badly fitting shoes on the soft bones of a child's foot.
I'm delighted to hear Clarkes in Lewes are doing their job properly and would respectfully suggest that ShoeZone might better suit your child's requirements.
On 23 Feb 2017 at 7:22am I don't live in Lewes... wrote:
Dear Mum, All God's children are special. There is no need for you to worry if people disagree with your viewpoint. If your wish is for people to concur with your thoughts and not input honestly then a forum such as this is probably not the best way forward.
On 23 Feb 2017 at 10:11am Bella wrote:
I'm curious as to why you went to Clarkes in the first place, Mum, given that they specialise in fitting children's shoes. I presume you wanted that service? Why complain then about the shop trying to offer the service you went in for. And if your child is having a bad day/ tired/ hungry/ bored/ playing up then the best option is to go home and try again another day. I'd always suggest doing that sort of thing in the morning, when child has had breakfast and some exercise/play (presumably) and making it a fun experience. Maybe it's your own stress or anxiety that has affected both child, staff and yourself? Just think about it for a while. You can hardly blame the shop for wanting to maintain their professional standards...
Reminds me of a mother complaining to a bookshop about the shelves being unsafe that her child was trying to climb....
On 3 Mar 2017 at 7:22pm Hay Nonnie Mouseline wrote:
I'd say your problem is with child behaviour not the behaviour of the staff. If you cannot get your children to do at that age, then yes, you are lacking parental skills. No one says it's easy, but behaviour management is brought about through consistency, guidance and positive rewards.
Yes, I am saying your child is spoiled and that you may be too. Probably through no fault of your own, I expect your parents did the same as you. How ridiculous that you think because you are paying money staff should ignore the welfare of the child. There are plenty of good parenting books about. Your own behaviour is something you can address yourself, even at your age.

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