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yummy yummy

On 26 Nov 2009 at 10:44pm merlinspot wrote:
I cannot believe the comments from the western road residents in last fridays sussex express (20th Nov) "Chinese takeaway given permission to sell alcohol"....Surely they've been watching too much news footage from Whitehawk!!! Ann Van Der Westhuzien stated "aren't there enough outlets in already in town? Tesco is open 24 hours for legitimate drinkers. Why get it in residential areas?"
Sorry Ann but, no, there are not enough outlets in town, Wine Rack is in admininstration, Harveys closes very early and is not open sundays and bank holidays, Station wines sells Cr@p and the Supermarkets are a nightmare to get to when you live on the other side of town and besides they are only allowed to trade for 6 hours on a sunday, and as for Tesco they do not have a 24 hour licence.
Watch out Western rd pharmacy your next on their list.....all those junkies getting their Methodone on prescription!!!!!
On 27 Nov 2009 at 1:00am harold wrote:
Strange I have always found Station wines to do a good range ofdrink, and they use to get in anything you asked for, they must be doing somthing right as they have expanded the shop rather well imho
On 27 Nov 2009 at 1:01am harold wrote:
Please excuse the spelling, Im enjoying a nice bottle of red lol
On 27 Nov 2009 at 7:59am DFE wrote:
thank god, i can buy some booze to wash down their awful food
On 27 Nov 2009 at 8:55am william wrote:
I can't see the problem here, if they were a sit down restaurant then they would serve booze. Why not order a bottle when you have a take out aswell?
On 27 Nov 2009 at 9:08am merlinspot wrote:
Station wines is ok if you're into bootleg Glens vodka, and whom have been serving underagers in the past.....Harold you on the ribena again????
On 27 Nov 2009 at 9:15am Matthew wrote:
I was one of those quoted in the SE. I'd ask Merlinspot to bear in mind:
1. The quotes (certainly in my case) were selective and focussed on the anti-social behaviour aspect. I made other points as well but these were not quoted.
2. At the time of submitting my response (to LDC, not to the SE), I had no idea what restrictions had been placed on YY and it was not unreasonable to assume the worst - if you're opposing something it's natural to resort to a little bit of hyperbole at times. IF YY keep to their agreement and no anti-social behaviour results, then good luck to them. I've no grudge against them and indeed gave them some business last night.
3. The spelling mistake in my quote in the SE ('vacinity') was theirs, not mine. Vicinity was spelt correctly in my submission to LDC!
On 27 Nov 2009 at 11:43am merlinspot wrote:
I have worked in the off trade for 15 years, we adhere to a under 25 policy so if you appear to be under 25 you will be asked for ID....Western rd is not known for anti-social behaviour and granting a full licence to YY would not have changed that. Matt you will always get more problems from people on the way home from the pub. Most off licences in Lewes are licenced untill 11pm and 10:30 on sundays and most of them except one close earlier, and if i'm right in saying generally Lewesians tend to leave the pub when they're kicked out. It is against the law to serve anyone already intoxicated, and i disagree with your quotes in th SE. I thought we were a town that encouraged and supported small buisness, not one that encourages us to let Tesco ruin our high street and use our cars more....No, i'm not a greeny!!!
On 27 Nov 2009 at 12:33pm Matthew wrote:
Fair do's Merlinspot. This isn't a major matter of principle for me, but nor is it to my mind a chapter in the David and Goliath struggle because even small businesses that we support need to show due consideration for neighbours. As a resident in the area, I'm just showing concern at anything that might (might, not will) disturb nearby residents' peaceable enjoyment of their own homes. LDC have granted YY a licence with conditions and that, to my mind, is reasonable. As I said, good luck to them: if YY and its customers act responsibly there won't be any problems.
On 27 Nov 2009 at 12:59pm merlinspot wrote:
Fair enough Matt, it was more of what Ann stated that annoyed me.
On 28 Nov 2009 at 12:39am Lopster wrote:
damn good idea if you ask me
Where else is there an offie up that end of town?
Seems obvious to be able to buy a drink when you buy a meal.
The chemist next door sells condoms, do we have to "protect" their neighbours from shaggers performing their art in the gutters?

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