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On 2 Aug 2009 at 12:49pm wideawake wrote:
wtf! last nights fireworks at the town hall, do the council let this happen often?, will the mess outside be cleaned up ?thoght fireworks were banned after 11pm, ? will the police act ? they know who it was dont they ?
On 2 Aug 2009 at 2:52pm Yo Gabba wrote:
Oh shut up. This is a bonfire town, get used to it.
On 2 Aug 2009 at 4:33pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
They can't have been very loud, my dogs didn't notice them. I saw a few flashes though.
On 2 Aug 2009 at 6:48pm slept through it wrote:
how long you lived in Lewes then wideawake - surely long enough to hear about our great and glorious pyrotechnic history (a month would be enough)?
On 2 Aug 2009 at 9:03pm wideawake wrote:
been here 40 years, and bonfire boye for nearly the same, as yo gabba says its a bionfire town and we need public support, what happened sat night was not bonfire !! it was a nuisance, and doesnt help, also its illegal, i have got over it, but its just nice to air some views
On 3 Aug 2009 at 7:57am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I must admit, much as I love bonfire, I'd prefer it if we only had fireworks in the season, or for planned events like Proms in the Paddock. The anticipated things give people who don't like it, or have scared pets, a chance to take preventative measures.
I don't much care for a traumatised dog landing on my head in the night, as he tries to hide from the noise, or getting up at 1.00 am to shut him in his crate to prevent him injuring himself.
On 3 Aug 2009 at 11:58am Great Crested Newt wrote:
I think bonfire should be celebrated every decade now as it's all getting a bit tedious isn't it?. The same old crap every year. The same old stuff being chucked up into the sky. If you've seen one display, you've seen them all. The only good thing about bonfire is that the streets get a good sweeping the next day! Why not celebrate something worth while instead......like say.... the war veterans. I know they have their remembrance day thing but it is kinda overshadowed by the Guy Fawkes thing. And how patronising to lay a few reefs at the war memorial in the middle of the procession so the societies can be 'respected' for paying their respects when all they really want to do is get on with the procession and chuck some rookies. The sooner this pointless nonsense is phased out, the better.
On 4 Aug 2009 at 9:25am sashimi wrote:
I can now understand why great crested newts are nearly extinct. Bonfire is just a fantastic excuse for a mega piss up and party which all those who like parties really enjoy. Come off it, GCN! Are you arguing that once you've had sex, having it again is pointless repetition and the only good thing about it is that the sheets get changed a little more frequently? Like Annette, I'd like fireworks to be a little more predictable so I can remove the dog when I know they're going to happen. But live and let live. Celebration is an important part of life and if you don't like living in Lewes, there are quieter places like Seaford - or a monsatery - that may suit you better.
On 4 Aug 2009 at 10:20am expat wrote:
I think what's a bit tedious is not having fireworks at all. Make the most of the fun you're still lucky to be allowed to have, and think of us poor sods that have no freedom of choice, and the kids that have never experienced anything that resembles the bonfire night atmosphere. You're lucky you have the choice. Stop complaining and let those that enjoy it carry on enjoying it.
On 4 Aug 2009 at 1:24pm Lets Do Lunch! wrote:
Wise words from Expat.
On 4 Aug 2009 at 4:59pm Great Crested Newt wrote:
Actually sashimi, I don't live in Lewes any more. I moved away as I couldn't stand the racket and the vet bills mounted every year after my animals (3 horses, 12 dogs in kennels, 35 rabbits and guinea pigs and a huge assortment of rescued water birds) suffered nights (and days) of pure terror. Back in the 70's and 80's, the bangs were tollerable but as with most things, they have to get bigger and louder.....WHY????? Whats the point.? Especially when they are so explosive that bits fly out of the displays and near fatally injure the spectators!!
Bonfire is not my idea of a piss up. For a start, there's too many coppers about and if the crowd are seen to be enjoying them selves too much, the pr..ks in the procession (who only come out once a year and don't help with the fundraising all year round) think they own the streets and start throwing their weight about if you're in their way. They should remember that if it wasn't for the crowds, their procession would be really pointless and boring. Bunch of t...ers.
Oh, and as for the sex.....Im reading between your lines that you have a hum drum sex life. Try a different position sashimi.
On 4 Aug 2009 at 7:23pm Saddle Sore wrote:
Sashimi has a boring sex life? Not with me he doesn't!
On 4 Aug 2009 at 9:40pm Me wrote:
And why has some prat been letting off fireworks tonight!!!! Dickheads!!
On 4 Aug 2009 at 9:51pm Where do... wrote:
You live then Expat and why do you have no choice? Surely you chose to move away?!
On 5 Aug 2009 at 2:39am expat wrote:
There are other multiple reasons in life to choose the place you live, not just Nov 5th. I sacrificed a lot of Sussex things and people I care for, to gain other things and now I live in a place with clear blue water, snow capped mountains, golden beaches with no pebbles, less pollution, reasonable winter weather, crap marmite, no finger of fudges and sadly no bonfire night. But we do have the All Blacks, and I hate rugby. Where do I live?......NZ where Kia Ora isn't orange juice. We have no choice here, because it's too bl**dy hot on Nov 5th for bonfires.
On 5 Aug 2009 at 9:49am sashimi wrote:
GCN and Saddle Sore, I'm not quite sure how you deduce I have a boring, hum drum sex life - although it's true: I don't have 3 horses, 12 dogs and 35 rabbits. I merely suggested that when GCN said if you've seen one bonfire, you've seen them all, that he seemed to be dead set against all forms of pleasurable repetition. Personally, I am now so senile and my memory so faded that each time seems like the first time. Blissful really. But perhaps that's a lot more information than you really wanted.
On 5 Aug 2009 at 2:29pm Saddle Sore wrote:
Oh Sashimi, I never said you had a boring sex life (far from it in fact). I'm a bit disapppointed that your faded memory of me has completely disappeared. Next time I see you we will have to owrk on installing a rock hard one (oooh-er!)
On 6 Aug 2009 at 7:06am wideawake wrote:
as normal . all points in OP glossed over and forgotten about,
On 6 Aug 2009 at 7:48am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
There were fireworks last night too. I wonder if it's CSBS practising for Saturday?
On 6 Aug 2009 at 8:10am In The Know wrote:
Sayurdays fireworks/rookie display were due to a local womans wedding.
On 6 Aug 2009 at 6:09pm even more in the know wrote:
It was also a local mans wedding.
On 27 Aug 2009 at 9:35pm Coxy wrote:
It was a fabulous night and great end to the evening, why are there so many boring people in Lewes?

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