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unlocking LG mobile.

On 3 Feb 2013 at 3:47pm sceptic wrote:
Hi, I recently purchased an LG 3310 mobile phone from e-bay. Unfortunately it is locked to orange and it wont accept my Virgin simm card. There is no card in there at the moment. Does anyone know how to unlock it for free. I have the IMEI SV number.
On 4 Feb 2013 at 2:22pm Ed Can Do wrote:
You need to ring your service provider's tech support and request an unlock code. They'll ask for the phone number and IMEI code. After that, turn it on with no SIM card in it, choose cancel when it tells you the phone is restricted then put in the unlock code on the next screen. If your provider won't give you an unlock code, you can buy them from various websites for a couple of quid. I googled it and there are a few jailbreak utilities you can download for free but by their very nature, a free programme to perform a potentially illegal act (Jailbreaking is definitely illegal in the US) could be carrying all kinds of unpleasantness alongside the useful bit of code so if you do go down this route, have some fairly sturdy virus protection running when you install it.
On 4 Feb 2013 at 5:14pm Sceptic wrote:
Cheers ed will try it.
On 15 Apr 2014 at 12:20pm unikova wrote:
An LG 3310 can be unlocked safer and easier using unlock code.

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