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trange lights in the sky

On 9 Oct 2008 at 9:14pm Iann10 wrote:
Did anyone see strange lights over Lewes about 7pm this evening? I was standing in DeMontfort Road looking NW towards Malling Down having just parked up and was walking home (not from the pub) when two orangy lights came up from Firle way. I remarked to my son that they looked strange for a plane and were not flashing.Then slowly they were joined by in total about 10 other lights in a formation looking like large embers from a fire they moved over Malling Down and started to fade. Our neighbour who had seen me staring joined us and remarked that a plane was flying through the lights and was very different .Help were we seeing things?
On 9 Oct 2008 at 9:21pm Iann10 wrote:
Sorry should check before posting it should read strange lights in etc.......
On 9 Oct 2008 at 9:32pm Digga wrote:
I saw these too from my house in Landport. they looked like they were coming over the golf course, and were a bright orange, then slowly faded out as they got past malling. Finally disappering al together. I guess there must have been about 10 - 15 all together.
Have aliens landed? :-)
On 9 Oct 2008 at 9:53pm juju wrote:
My Daughter rang me to tell me she was could see strange orange lights in the sky about ten at one point, she also saw the plane pass through the lights and seemed spooked by the whole thing. She has taken a pic on her phone and i look forward to see it.
Wonder what this was.
On 9 Oct 2008 at 10:20pm Frak wrote:
I saw lights up there a few weeks ago, looked like someone was shining a really powerful torch, or headlights were on moving on the top of the hill. Thought it may be something to do with Bonfire, but as I know nothing about that i'm probably wrong.
On 9 Oct 2008 at 10:57pm alex wrote:
u sore what i saw alos noticed a few planes around lot of activety at that time? also like to add i know a lot of others who also saw this
On 10 Oct 2008 at 6:39am maggiesal wrote:
It was suggested to me they could have been some sort of floating candles i.e. lights in balloons in memory of someone perhaps. I too saw them and was sorry they went out fairly quickly .
On 10 Oct 2008 at 7:42am wanderer wrote:
ooo my little one been saying he been seeing stuff at night time over that way we down on landport est ..... i thought it was just the usuall glow of the town or he been watching top much starwars
could it be the army doing night gliding with flares i know lewes part of their flight path
On 10 Oct 2008 at 9:34am Its Not Rocket Science wrote:
I saw them from Tesco car park where they were pretty much overhead and not that high. From there they did look like those chinese lantern type balloons made with tissue paper and with a candle inside to heat the air. You could clearly see the flames flickering. Suppose from a distance a plane flying beyond them would have looked like it was in amongst them. Not aliens unfortunately !
On 10 Oct 2008 at 10:06am JES wrote:
Yes, we saw them we live over at Malling and I was on the telephone to a friend at Nevill who was also watching them. Very strange! Its nothing as far I am aware to do with bonfire unless they have invented a new slow moving firework. My 18yr old son was around his friends house in the Cliffe watching the lights and his friends mother rang the Police. Apparently they had received loads of telephone calls from worried residents. The Police said its nothing to worry about its just sparks from road works off the by-pass!! Now I work in a highways dept and I asked around this morning. The engineers I spoke to weren't sure that any type of roadworks would cause that many sparks to travel that slowly through the sky for that distance. They may be wrong....but who knows. Be interesting to see what thoughts others have on this subject! and how far did the lights travel for? Did they vanish before Ringmer?
On 10 Oct 2008 at 10:53am Richard wrote:
I saw the lights too when I was driving from Landport. By the time I got to Tescos the lights had gone appart from 1. It looked like a hot air ballon but it was going to fast.
I ask my wife and she said that there is a social group in Lewes that release lantens on ballons. Its been going on for a few years.
On 10 Oct 2008 at 2:09pm Chav wrote:
I see lights in the sky often but I blame that on the stripey voddy.
On 10 Oct 2008 at 5:47pm patrick cunningham wrote:
I saw the lights also and took a picture of them, i stopped my car and got out i was so taken with the strangness of them. i saw them coming from a southerly direction pass over tesco heading north east. In my opinion these lights were not embers althought they had that burning glow about them, they appeared to be in some formation as my photo shows and they were in powered flight not like the paragliders who move with the air currents but moving in a purposeful direction and oddly i could hear no noise coming from these flying objects. Sparks ? as jim royale would say "sparks ? my arse".
On 10 Oct 2008 at 6:11pm lord landport wrote:
Patrick if you have a picture can you upload or atleast send a link want to see these aliens..
On 10 Oct 2008 at 6:42pm patrick cunningham wrote:
hi lord landport send me your e mail address and i will send it to you as i dont know how to upload it to this site, my address is
[email protected]
you can then pass it on via a link i imagine your better at this sort of thing . regards patrick.
On 10 Oct 2008 at 7:48pm Drone wrote:
I phoned my brother who got out the binoculars. He reckoned they were high flying military helicopters. Heading NE. So could be heading for RAF Odiham with a slight change of course.
On 10 Oct 2008 at 7:56pm mocky wrote:
If they are aliens,let's hope they are made more welcome than anyone from London who may be thinking of settling in Lewes. Remember Mars Attacks?
DFMs anyone?
On 10 Oct 2008 at 9:36pm Zoetrope wrote:
I've seen these lights happen where i used to live, it was amazing. Then they vanished into thin air, right in front of my eyes.
I definately believe i saw ufos, wish I'd seen these -right near my house too. any photos available?
On 11 Oct 2008 at 7:06am maggiesal wrote:
A friend tells me there is indeed a floating lantern, paper lanterns with a very small candle light inside. She saw them let off at a wedding she attended
On 13 Oct 2008 at 9:50am S Hawkings wrote:
The strangest thing is, that even after a couple of people on here have said what these light actually were, that people dont want a simple explanation and continue to insist that there is something much more sinister about it all. What worries me most is that someone who thinks they are qualified to identify military aircraft cant actually tell the difference between a helicopter and a paper bag with a candle in it !
On 17 Oct 2008 at 12:26pm Lee Woodgate wrote:
Ive seen similar lights above Keere St a month ago
these were definately chinese paper lanterns...the fading effect down to the firelighters inside burning out

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