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On 11 Oct 2007 at 2:14am annoyed of lewes wrote:
Have just been on this forum for the first time. I am disgusted with it. Any website that can announce the death of anyone, comment on issues that do not concern anyone and generally scare monger is essentially fundamentally wrong. get a life please.
On 11 Oct 2007 at 7:54am me wrote:
Goodbye then. It's called freedom of speech wether right or wrong. It's still just about legal in this orwellian state of ours.
On 11 Oct 2007 at 8:56am Geoff wrote:
I think that it is ok to mention someones death on a forum such as this, as long as respect is shown. If the dead person in question wasn't liked, that is no excuse to put the soil over their grave. After all this person no doubt has family and friends. If respect can't be shown for the dead, show it for the relatives by chosing words carefully.
On 11 Oct 2007 at 9:41am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
I was told in good faith that Jez had died. The point of my post was to clarify this not 'announce'. This forum is an extension of what Lewes folk talk about. I doubt if you've ever refrained from gossiping at least once in your miserable life. What's the chances you don't like Bonfire either?
On 11 Oct 2007 at 11:46am The Super K wrote:
Good Bye "annoyed of Lewes" you won't be missed
On 11 Oct 2007 at 8:37pm expat wrote:
A mistake was made, but the nature of the posts showed that people care very much. I know I have a life, of which many Lewisians, dead or alive have been a huge a part of over the years.
On 11 Oct 2007 at 9:10pm For The Record wrote:
I have a life, and a Cliffe Bonfire Programme!

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George Orwell