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the webmaster

On 13 Jul 2006 at 2:35pm Peter wrote:
I have been reading this site for some time now and i am becoming increasingly worried about this so called 'moderator'- can someone please tell me why he/she is allowed to remove certain strands but not others?
In the past i have seen either massivly offensive (the slightly racist musings about a certain traffic warden ) or downright creepy (publishing addresses of people like the traffic warden, Tooth Fairy stalking a young girl...) and yet these articles were not removed for weeks, while i see from Mr luthies posts that he has had a joke removed etc, etc...i would just like to ask the webmaster to explain what thier role REALLLY is and how they make the choices they do?
On 13 Jul 2006 at 3:55pm mick wrote:
Well said Peter I was wondering the same thing.
PS I expect your post will be removed with immediate effect.
On 13 Jul 2006 at 5:44pm me wrote:
what post !!!!! :-)
On 14 Jul 2006 at 9:02am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
All your posts should be removed moped mick, on the grounds that they are all banal, dull, and of no interest to anyone.
On 14 Jul 2006 at 10:13am mick wrote:
Oh dear Toothy. Yet again you seem unable to read one of my posts without the urge to respond.
Still i suppose that it saves you having to think of something for yourself.
On 16 Jul 2006 at 12:56am Brian wrote:
I always assumed the tooth fairy was female! Am I wrong???
On 20 Jul 2006 at 4:43pm JACK CARTER wrote:
Is there a Black traffic warden in Lewes?
It's not Ian is it?????????????????
On 21 Jul 2006 at 8:54am Peter wrote:
webmaster - i am asking for an explanation - please give one or remove this responsibility from your shoulders and kindly give the job of 'moderating' this site to someone who does not choose to ignore legitmate questions and appears to suffer from selective vision when he/she decides who/what to remove from ths site.
On 21 Jul 2006 at 9:57pm sammy wrote:
there is 3 mate plus lots of poles ncp international and one from ussr
On 22 Jul 2006 at 12:19am JACK CARTER wrote:
Then the finger wasn't put in the dyke, and the flood ensues. My sympathies.
On 25 Jul 2006 at 7:40am mick wrote:
Jack you really are a nasty piece of work. You even manage to make tooth fairy look tolerant. Well done.
On 27 Jul 2006 at 12:13pm MC wrote:
Isn't it pretty obvious that the webmaster removes threads that might be considered libelous and that he/she could get done for?
Hence the recent addion of the terms and conditions (as a result of the recent dissatisfaction expressed about the alegedly cowboy tactics of Estate Agents Lewes Estates is my guess).
On 28 Jul 2006 at 5:19pm petal wrote:
e.mail him at www.idiot .com
On 30 Jul 2006 at 1:50am lopster wrote:
hear hear - or should that be here here? - the only question about poles and ussr workers should be of their legal status regarding work permits - not racist merely why are their "skills" preferred over the local unemployed? presumably 'cos the wages won't encourage our own resting workforce off the social
On 31 Jul 2006 at 9:52am peter wrote:
dear MC no it is NOT 'pretty obvious' the webmaster removes threads that may be considered libellous - as a person who worked as a lawyer for 30 years (i know, i know...mock as you will...) i can tell you that many of the comments i have read are incredidbly so - and often just very needlessly offensive.
I do not condone censorship but i am saying, if someone is appointed as a moderator they must moderate - not mindless remove some threads whilst turning a blind eye to others...there is a subtle but i think rather important difference.
On 31 Jul 2006 at 6:07pm sammy wrote:
yes lopster, well would you work for ncp dont know what they pay them but i bet its not much so i think thats why they import workers, lewes seems to be the dumping ground for migrant workers
On 6 Aug 2006 at 5:24pm MC wrote:
Peter, it's pretty obvious that the webmaster is not a lawyer then... and not perfect either.
On 9 Aug 2006 at 9:15am paul wrote:
In the past I have had my messages removed for expressing anti-racist views.
On 4 Nov 2006 at 4:56pm TomTom27 wrote:
I'm in big love with my boyfriend from Canada, already for a long time we have a dream to marry, but we cannot do it, because USA laws dont allow gay marriages
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