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the EU and migration levels

On 27 Jan 2016 at 8:14am Mr Ryder wrote:
So here we have it proof that leaving the EU would allow us to control migration properly by reducing numbers by 100,000 and more importantly, to allow skilled workers to have priority over unskilled workers.
It simply isn't rational to have a system where anyone in the EU can move here if they want, nice as that idea is, it simply doesn't work in practice as it pushes down wages for those in low paid jobs and has caused a huge strain on our hospitals, houses and schools.
It shouldn't be more difficult for an Indian doctor, African nurse or an American engineer to come here and work than someone who happens to have an EU passport.

Check it out here »
On 27 Jan 2016 at 9:51am Clement Attlee wrote:
This is not proof - this is a "study" by MigrationWatch UK which campaigns for lower immigration. It is a "no think tank, but a pressure group with a distinctly unpleasant agenda" to quote the Independent.
On 27 Jan 2016 at 9:54am Shekel wrote:
Trouble is all the donors to the Conservative Party want to keep that flow of cheap labour. They also want free movement of capital and low or no tax for non doms etc. Proles want to believe that political parties are there for them but as soon as they get any traction they are infested with entryism and return to stasis like UKIP which is now a neo liberal party for low to medium IQ voters.
On 27 Jan 2016 at 10:12am Paul Newman wrote:

This is a cynical wish to exploit the illegal immigrant camp at Calais to whip up inchoate bigotry
Good old UKIP
My take on it is this.
1 – It looks like a lot but in a sense it isn`t. There are about 1500,000 in Lebanon (one in five of the population) and the same in Turkey. Jordan a country with a population of only 6.5 million and a per capita GDP of just £3,400 per year has over a million
What you see is a tiny part of a huge problem
2 The No. 1 destination on Western Europe is Germany but Italy Sweden Switzerland and other have much much more to worry about than us.
3 The real question is why is France so unpopular. There are a few reasons no jobs, ethnic ghettoes , poor housing ,France`s famous and deliberately obstructive red tape a language most do not speak. The people in the camps are often English speaking to some extent with contacts in the UK and hope of decent housing a job, lax policing of identity and non-contributory benefits.( Rather than the level)
I think one part is to return to the question of Identity Cards. If you are not a criminal or an illegal immigrant what is the problem?
Anyhoo has nothing do with the EU or legal workers here. UKIPs plan to open the doors to African and Asian migrants to replace the German French and Polish workers who grow our economy and fit in ell strikes me as plain nuts.
On 27 Jan 2016 at 10:18am Observer wrote:
The biggest source of migration is not from the EU, or refugees - it's actually family members within the former commonwealth, mostly India and Pakistan. This has nothing to do with being an EU member or not. Leaving the EU would have no effect on what we do regarding asylum seekers: Norway seems to have to accept them.
On 27 Jan 2016 at 10:21am Mr Ryder wrote:
Paul why is it you always mention UKIP? I'm not talking about them. I literally can't understand the rest of your comment.
If you apply visa restrictions to EU migrants as we do to those outside the EU it would result in the numbers coming down, that's the truth. We should therefore treat everyone equally and have a points system wherever you're from.
Tired of pea-brained morons like Clement and you saying those who disagree with mass immigration is pushing an 'unpleasant agenda' or supporting UKIP, grow up. This is a neo-liberal policy that has never be consented to by the British people and who are overwhelmingly against it which is causing huge problems, none of which we asked for.
The millions that have come to Europe will soon be given a passport at which point they will be free to move here if they so wish. ISIS is now using the crisis to flood fighters into the continent.
It's very serious so stop trying to shut down the debate.
I would love to hear why you think we should have no controls on this whatsoever.
On 27 Jan 2016 at 11:36am Donor wrote:
Wake up you sleepy heads! We bought the UK in the 80's. You sold it to us. Stop thinking of yourselves as voters. You are part of the Fauna of the region and we are arranging for your clearance to higher ground so we can farm the new sheep we are bringing in from the east. They are much easier to harvest. Move along now, don't make a fuss.

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