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testing on animals

On 4 Aug 2011 at 7:54pm colin's mum wrote:
In Cliffe Precinct the other week there was a stall about testing on animals.
Although I realize the need to test certain medecines on animals I do not think it morally right to use animals to test products for vanity or greed. I once asked Boots if they tested their cosmetics on animals and they assured me they did not. The people at the Cliffe stall said that although Boots, Body shop do not test on animals they use the products of companies that do. The stall holders told me that M&S and CO-Op do not test on animals at all. Lets all support these 2 brands.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 1:55am Live Dangerously wrote:
Yes, you are right of course. Far better to test the safety of new cosmetics on the people vain enough to use them. And I'm sure stall holders have an absolutely comprehensive knowledge, based on rigorous and unprejudiced research, of the true background of all the products they recommend.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 7:12am colin's mum wrote:
the stall holders were not selling a product, just trying to bring the truth of the animal testing to the passers by.
I like the idea of vain guinea pigs
On 5 Aug 2011 at 8:12am Taff wrote:
Testing on seagulls would not upset me.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 8:15am DFL wrote:
This is a really prickly topic - I must resist !
On 5 Aug 2011 at 8:32am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Do they test on hedgehogs then?
On 5 Aug 2011 at 1:09pm Taff wrote:
If they do EBM then it must be for hair products.
On 5 Aug 2011 at 1:41pm bastian wrote:
yeah,hair gell is tested on hedgehogs...that's why they have spikes..or is that teenage boys?

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