On 14 Feb 2009 at 12:39pm geoff wrote:
I s it just me, or is Councillor Peter Gardiner's regular rebuttal slot in the Sussex Express becoming more bizarre each week. He doesn't seem to understand that his message, however valid, is being lost in the delivery. Comments like ' STOP INSULTING ME!", 'Now that we have all had our fun" (about 'rude' road names) and "If I am bleeding to death, " (wind turbines) come across like some kind of out of control Infant school teacher, trying to manage children that are getting the better of him. Perhaps Merlin Milner could explain to him some of his own PR skills, and point out that Cllr Gardiner's increasing poorly thought out, and defensive letters are achieving the complete opposite of the desired effect.
On 14 Feb 2009 at 2:44pm Agony Aunt wrote:
Peter Gardiner is "always the victim" and thus indicative that he has a persecution complex.
I recommend he prepares a body rub (equal parts of tea tree oil, grated orange rind and tiger balm). This should not only help relax the man, but also pep up his life with some zest, whilst combatting any dribbles that he may suffer from.
On 14 Feb 2009 at 3:37pm Poor Poise wrote:
But what he must NOT do straightafterwards is swim with Dolphins!!!
On 14 Feb 2009 at 6:34pm cato wrote:
Forgive me if I appear thick!I have( swum )?with dolphins.Please enlighten me as to the joke.
On 14 Feb 2009 at 9:37pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
One thing is for sure, Cllr Gardiner is up to his neck in it!
On 14 Feb 2009 at 10:20pm i dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Geoff; no it's not just you.
If Part Time Gardiner reads this forum I for one do solemnly swear to stop taking the peace out of him the day he decides to quit.
On 15 Feb 2009 at 4:21pm Gardiners Question Time wrote:
I read the paper every week. What amazes me in the letters page is Cllr Gardiner's abject failure to appreciate how bad his communication skills are. Sometimes I feel I might agree with him, but he is so rude. He replies unnecessarily to cheeky letters from Brian Beck, yet I noticed that when someone wrote twice asking where a valuable piece of georgian wall had gone, Cllr Gradiner ignored a prper concern. ( they must have been binned by accident, or illegally sold, seems to be the explaination). Cllr Gardiner is a professor, and it seems that he has forgotten he is not in class anymore.
Hope he doesn't get insulted by this, but I am afraid it's my opinion, I am a voter, and on his present performance wouldn't want him as my evening class instructor, let alone a Councillor.
On 16 Feb 2009 at 10:44pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Is he really a professor? What subject? Town planning?
On 19 Feb 2009 at 1:06pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Part Time Gardiner?
I thought the proper term was Uphill Gardiner?
On 21 Feb 2009 at 1:09am Good grief wrote:
Whatever he is called, this week's Sussex Express shows a determination to keep on digging. The Chair of the planning Commitee seems upset that no-one knows that he is the Chair, not Cllr Gardiner. I am not sure if we are supposed to be impressed, or what...?