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squat in lewes

On 26 Apr 2011 at 2:41pm cliffecat wrote:
I have heard there is a squat in Lewes, In the ols windmill pub ???? Is this true ??
On 26 Apr 2011 at 3:49pm Rookie wrote:
Don't know about that. There is something like that going on at the old St Annes School though I hear.
On 26 Apr 2011 at 4:30pm Smiler wrote:
There's a squat in that ugly building that used to be the community centre near the Black Horse
On 26 Apr 2011 at 5:14pm bastian wrote:
it's about time people started squatting again..it used to be friars walk until the town houses became trendy
On 26 Apr 2011 at 5:45pm Local wrote:
There Was a group squatting in an old place on station street - dunno if they are still there.
On 26 Apr 2011 at 8:04pm jonnyboy wrote:
In the 70's half the houses in Western Road and Malling Street were squats. Also the large building at the junction of East Street and Market Lane which , I think, was part of Stevensons.
On 26 Apr 2011 at 8:49pm squat wrote:
i know nothing
On 26 Apr 2011 at 10:11pm Mr Forks wrote:
Makes a change from DFLs I suppose? This must be AFBs instead?!
On 26 Apr 2011 at 10:19pm huw wrote:
I remember the squat in the old pizza place opposite boots.
On 27 Apr 2011 at 7:07am 70s girlie. wrote:
Paddock Road had a few squats in too I think....
On 27 Apr 2011 at 9:04am sashimi wrote:
On 27 Apr 2011 at 10:21am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Wellington Street. The old Wellington Motors garage.
On 27 Apr 2011 at 11:35am Ed Can Do wrote:
Sashimi, I think he means Across From Brightons.
On 27 Apr 2011 at 11:45am 'ere be monsters wrote:
Malling Street, Paddock Road and Western Road were all houses compulsorily purchased for the relief road that was going to cut Lewes in half that thankfully was never built.
On 27 Apr 2011 at 2:53pm steve watts wrote:
There are squatters in the old Cannon o'donnell center in Western Road who i believe are local, and there is a climate camp in the old grounds of St Annes school in Rotten Row .
On 27 Apr 2011 at 5:42pm marigold willing wrote:
its a local squat for local people! no seriously its a group of youngish lewes people who for whatever reason need somewhere to live and i know some of them have jobs and they seem a friendly bunch speaking as a neighbour.
On 28 Apr 2011 at 4:05pm stop the rot wrote:
I am part of the group who is currently occupying the canon o donnell centre we have been for the last few months and we are a group of young people who are from lewes and the surrounding area who for different reasons have come together to live in the house.

Some of us are working full time and part time some of us to volunteer work. We are living here because some of us are homeless, some of us left home after are parents lost their jobs to try and make there financial situation easier for them and some because the can not afford to rent any where in the town we have grown up in.

We are a peaceful group who mean no harm to anyone we are just looking for some where we can live happily. we are not drug users and Sussex police have come up a number off times and spoken to us and looked around the property and every time have left happy with us being here.

Due to the damage caused by decay to the building we have been unable to do any community based projects with the building yet but we are getting to the stage where these things will be achievable in the near future. We are open to to suggestions of what Lewes people would benefit from the use of the space and if you have any idea just write them up here and leave an email so we can get back to you. We were thinking somewhere that's not privatised to exhibit art and also the hall would be good place to hold cinema nights.

We are also open to answering any questions you have about the building or our group if you have any. We think the building is beautiful and a part of Lewes history that should not be flattened to be made into over priced an unaffordable flats and think it would spoil the look of Western Road.

We understand that people think the building looks shabby with the boarded windows but we have been cautious to remove the boards until we had properly settled in here. This is our home and we are intending to keep it and we want to bring the building back to life again. If you see us in and around the building don't be afraid to approach us and have a chat as we would like to meet as much of the community as possible and show them that not all squatters are the same as the media portrays.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Ps. We suggest heading down to climate camp if you have a chance they are a lovely group of people and are very welcoming.
On 28 Apr 2011 at 4:33pm Bling Mare wrote:
My daughters friend is in Newhaven Foyer and there are many vacanices available at the moment.
Why don't you contact them on 01273 615300
On 28 Apr 2011 at 6:48pm Shaymus wrote:
Good luck to STR, you sound like decent people. Hey we could do with more of them!
On 28 Apr 2011 at 7:30pm 'ere be monsters wrote:
Don't see any problem with what you're doing, as long as everything you say is for real.good luck to you.
On 29 Apr 2011 at 11:59pm AYATOLLAH HOGMANNY wrote:
Good luck to you all, its about time someone took over all these buildings and did some good with them, there are too many places around Lewes that have been bought up as second homes by DFLs and left to rot when they cannot afford the upkeep or forget the little place in the country when the new place in the Carribean calls!!!
I get fed up with walking past these places and thinking i could live there and would do it up if only i knew who owns it and they would rent it at a reasonable rent, but greed knows no bounds with some people and why would i want to pay a fortune for a wreck!!! so they lay rotting!!!!!!!!
why not let them out for a peppercorn rent to us all and we could do it up to saleable state, they could then sell them for a profit , or even better let us buy them for a reasonable price!!!! even better 50/50!!!!

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