On 28 Jul 2015 at 4:23pm bastian wrote:
Word on the grape vine is that the skatehouse has been let down by Santon when it comes to being rehoused, even though they had been promised a new building as their community flag ship.
On 28 Jul 2015 at 5:37pm Merlin Milner wrote:
Since Santon monitor this forum, perhaps they could respond.
On 28 Jul 2015 at 6:40pm bastian wrote:
it would be good to hear something form the horses mouth not from my kids mates- but I'm sure it's not top of their list.
On 28 Jul 2015 at 9:14pm Yawn wrote:
I don't think they care about the residents of Lewes, they only care about money, build small boxes, sell it off ultra expensive and then move on to the next town, it's capitalism folks and it sucks
On 29 Jul 2015 at 5:32pm Convenient wrote:
Maybe the council could assume some responsibility for providing entertainment for young people . why has it become the private sectors remit or is this just anotherrrrrr post to try and rally anti Santon support .
On 29 Jul 2015 at 7:14pm bastian wrote:
No it's a serious request for more information, kid sspend alot of time there and it keeps them off the streets in all waether-if it were to go they would be well miffed.
Also, why did this post disappear earlier today?
On 30 Jul 2015 at 10:21am Starfish supporter wrote:
Same for Starfish Youth Musuc project.
To Santon: I am a concerned and frustrated parent of a user of Starfish. You are treating Starfish in the same way as Skakehouse; you made cynical, empty promises to provide accommodation for these facilities when you wanted planning permission, which have since disappeared.
On 30 Jul 2015 at 12:34pm bastian wrote:
I didn't know about Starfish as well as mione aren't involved in the project, although alot of their peers are.
Santon, I challenge you to come on here and say if this is true or not. It is up to you to put the record straight.
Are santon going to rehouse these community facillities on th estate as promised in meetings with the organisers or not?
On 31 Jul 2015 at 12:10am Newspeak wrote:
Of course they're not, Bastian . I would email SDNPA planning with your concerns. Didn't the Skatehouse get national lottery funding ? Surely if it's demolished Santon should pay that money back ??
On 31 Jul 2015 at 8:31am bastian wrote:
It's disgraceful, and just echoes the lket down on the building plot in St Nicholas lane when they promised a green area that they built on anyway-can't trust them to act in the interest of the community.
I expect their lawyers have told them not to comment, unfortunately in a town of this size you will be judged by the people when they find out what is going on.
On 31 Jul 2015 at 10:58am Lewes resident wrote:
Bastian what are you talking about , your predjuice is clear , part of the 106 agreement on St Nicholas lane development was to give over FREE Baxters field to the community , correct me if it's wrong but last time I looked that was green
On 31 Jul 2015 at 5:27pm bastian wrote:
er, no, it was gifted to the people of lewes before that and the green space I am talking about was ajacent to the flats at the top of St Nicholas lane.
On 31 Jul 2015 at 5:29pm skaytar wrote:
This doesn't help us, what about the skatehouse?
On 31 Jul 2015 at 6:43pm Premier inn wrote:
I think they're having a steakhouse too
On 2 Aug 2015 at 2:12pm lewes resident wrote:
Bastian , check your facts before you spout accusations read the planning file and the 106 , you will see the developer gifted Baxters the st Nicholas lane site was covered 100% with the old Baxters print works , you are talking about the lewes house site a separate site altogether - I expect the application on North street will be clear on future of the skate house etc suggest you check that first, there are some oblique references to it I have seen reading it through