On 6 Jun 2015 at 1:23pm shameus wrote:
I always chuckled at the moaners on this site, but now I've moved to Lewes I want to join you. Never mind the tables on the pavement, this morning a couple parked a Porche on the pavement and sat at one of the outside tables at Bill's. What about that? (and, yes, before you start I do have a full and interesting life - that's another story).
I suppose the rich, much like the poor, will always be with us, yet with that comes a sense of entitlement that is irritating to say the least. Wish I'd had the nerve to tell the twots "you can't park here".
On 6 Jun 2015 at 3:26pm Historian wrote:
One can drive down Cliff High Street if you're using the shops there AND park in a marked bay, (they are very discrete and pedestrians aren't always aware of them) for 40 minutes, I think, while you are 'loading'. Not sure if eating breakfast,lunch,diner counts as loading, you'd have to argue that with the Judge ! But I don't see why not. The signs are very clear.
On 6 Jun 2015 at 3:53pm dirke wrote:
Supposedly 'Historian': I live in Cliffe, not 'Cliff', and it always seems to be the more expensive cars that flout the parking laws in the CLIFFE High Street, BMWs, Audis, and of course the ubiquitous Range Rovers.
On 6 Jun 2015 at 4:20pm Ubi Quoitus wrote:
I'm gunna bring my series 11 Land Rover and park there lol.
On 6 Jun 2015 at 4:37pm Country Boy wrote:
Its a bit like the k nob who drives an Audi TT at breakneck speeds down Novington Lane and parks in the Jolly Sportsman. He's going to wipe someone out one day.
On 6 Jun 2015 at 6:04pm Old Bloke wrote:
dirke - you sound as big a pillock as your screen name suggests.
Please bear in mind a simple spelling mistake is neither a crime or something that some big head needs to point out using capital letters
On 6 Jun 2015 at 7:54pm xplorer1 wrote:
I believe the position is that you can drive down Cliffe High St
1) if you need access for loading/unloading
2) to access Morris Rd if you're a resident
Parking up for breakfast doesn't qualify as needing access or loading.
shameus, you're not AW by any chance?
I've seen the Porsche guy do the same thing before. Arrogant.
On 6 Jun 2015 at 10:08pm Clifford wrote:
It makes a nice change to see the expression 'sense of entitlement' being used to refer to the well-heeled rather than the poor souls trying to survive on benefits.
On 6 Jun 2015 at 10:37pm Belladonna wrote:
There's a bloke with several different high end cars that regularly parks outside Bills . Pure arrogance
On 6 Jun 2015 at 11:33pm Morris Road Resident wrote:
xplorer1 who told you Morris Road residents can drive down Cliffe High St with impunity? Good news if true!
On 7 Jun 2015 at 9:19am Mavis wrote:
Sounds as if poor people live in the CLIFF area, and resent nice cars, maybe it's a result of living without car parking facilities themselves and a bit of the green eyed monster. Don't forget you're not that special. That street attracts people from far and wide, beyond your bubble, some of which get out a lot more than you do.
On 7 Jun 2015 at 9:28am xplorer1 wrote:
MRR - can't recall, but quite possibly ESCC councillor Ros St Pierre.
Mavis, I can't make out what you're trying to say - what's your point?
On 7 Jun 2015 at 9:44am Mark wrote:
Cliffe: That well-known pocket of urban deprivation. The teeming masses, the squalor! Mavis has hit the nail on its head.
On 7 Jun 2015 at 12:52pm Copy book God wrote:
Ever noticed how mid earners and professional types look down on vulgar displays of wealth more than poor people? Status signalling to others in their tribe. A Porsche is an indication of not giving a ....about others opinion. You've been successfully trolled...
On 7 Jun 2015 at 10:38pm Sussex Jim wrote:
Ros St.Pierre is an obsolescent Liberal (remember them?) councillor who does not live in Lewes, but wants everybody to travel by bus.
Morris Road traffic should use Malling Street and the eastern end of Cliffe High Street for access. The only motor traffic allowed over the bridge and through CHS to Morris Road are those un/loading in the street; driving in and out of the Argos car park- or disabled drivers shopping.
On 8 Jun 2015 at 10:17am Biggles the 911 driver wrote:
---- the lot of you
On 8 Jun 2015 at 10:29am Historian wrote:
What about the disabled driver that runs a shop down there and is constantly on her feet all day pottering about with a very badly parked car outside ?
On 8 Jun 2015 at 1:19pm Old Bloke wrote:
Are you saying she shouldn't be able to leave her car there?
Who gives a toss how badly it's parked - walk round it
On 8 Jun 2015 at 3:11pm Localbod wrote:
I see that Historian is one of those individuals who seems to think that to be 'disabled' one should not be able to 'potter around'.
On 8 Jun 2015 at 4:21pm Old Bloke wrote:
You're full of it yourself
On 8 Jun 2015 at 4:30pm dirke wrote:
I have this strange feeling that Historian and Old Bloke are somehow related. Gay lovers?
On 8 Jun 2015 at 5:32pm Old Bloke wrote:
Sorry I didn't order a pra*t
On 8 Jun 2015 at 9:25pm Red wrote:
There's another dickhead down there who frequents the Magazin.
I think he may have a mental issue being too far from his Audi which he often parks so close to their barrier that a double buggy wouldn't get through the gap. Sincerest apologies if he really does have a separation problem btw.
On 13 Jun 2015 at 10:27pm Algy the Bentley Boy wrote:
Biggles you are a cad,sir!