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On 18 Jun 2008 at 8:09pm john wrote:
anyone know how Southover school became a faith school? and why is it next door to western road school? also, anyone remember it being lower priory school?
On 18 Jun 2008 at 10:20pm expat wrote:
I was at Lower Priory School after it was Girls Grammar. Southover used to be down a lane opposite the Southover Church and the back of the school connected with Lower Priory across the tennis courts etc. Where exactly is it now? My Mum also taught there years later, into the 80's and it was always at the bottom of the little lane and not a faith school unless I never realised I was at a religious school!.
On 18 Jun 2008 at 10:48pm Sylvia wrote:
Southover School was always, since its foundation, a Church of England School, now known as a "controlled" rather than an "aided" school, like St Pancras. Southover Church has always appointed some of the governors. East Sussex County Council tried to sell the Lower Priory School site to Lewes Old Grammar. After public protest it was agreed not to sell, but to relocate Southover and Western Rd (never a church school), both in dilapidated, restricted sites to the converted premises, allowing them the playing fields which Lewes Old Grammar wanted to build on.

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