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On 21 Jun 2008 at 4:56pm big t wrote:
I have just been clamped by another lot -SASSCO. I have actually been clamped outside my residence and yes I do have a residents parking permit, and NO I DONT WORK FOR THEM-HEAVEN FORBID. So residents of Lewes and surrounding areas, be warned. There is another lot on the horizon waiting to clamp all who have not been done already. Wonder if they are part of the CHEVAL Group mmmmmmmmm
On 21 Jun 2008 at 5:23pm toenail wrote:
What reason did they give?
On 21 Jun 2008 at 5:31pm sashka wrote:
what crime are they claiming on the ticket?
On 21 Jun 2008 at 8:46pm big t wrote:
they claim it is a visitors permit and not a residents it is what i was given after all my details were given to my houseing association (so not my fault)this bunch of s***heads are refusing to do anything about it until monday morning good eh when you cant park where you bloody live now
On 21 Jun 2008 at 10:18pm sashka wrote:
Your crime might be parking with a visitor permit, in a resident permit only space. Why this would need a clamp God only knows, and I pressume uyou have not been able to move it, so it has ended up bl;ocking the space anyway!
If you are not happy, don't waste your time with the Council, go straight to norman baker, and ask him to sort it out. He is not happy with the scheme, and we are all getting fed up with how it is being implemented.
I personally don't care how badly a car is parked. Putting a clamp on it just means the car is blocking everyone else, and being dangerous for even longer. It is a wierd logic that handles an illegal obstruction, by contributing to it.
On 22 Jun 2008 at 6:27am big t wrote:
i will give it a go thanks
On 22 Jun 2008 at 11:03am sashimi wrote:
Why not ask Norman to take this up as the law really needs clarifying and he's the Shadow Secretary of State for Transport? The business of 'fining' and 'punishing' people should be done by the authorities - or at least strictly controlled by them. If a private company is to be allowed to immobilise a vehicle and charge for its release on private land, the rates they can charge and the rules about how they warn people should be regulated and licenced.
On 10 Jul 2008 at 6:48am t.a wrote:
maybe big t should road tax his vehicle which has been without a current licence since 30/04/07 he had a visitors permit not a residents as he could not register his vehicle with the housing trust, he has been warned on past occasions with refrence to this

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