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removed parking tickets

On 24 Mar 2010 at 6:59pm Sam Spam wrote:
Hi all, what's the legal position on paying the increased fine if some little scrot removes your parking ticket, thus not giving you (or in this case my friends) the option of paying the £35?
On 24 Mar 2010 at 9:04pm Tough titty wrote:
Thats tough titty!
On 24 Mar 2010 at 10:14pm Barking Parking wrote:
Easy. The ticket was left in a publicly accessible position, and was taken. It is not your friends responsibility, or ESCC's that it was stolen. It is ESCC's responsibility to ensure that issued tickets are securely attached to a car. Your friends cannot respond to a missing ticket, and ESCC cannot pressume that uyour friends saw it. Simply explain that the ticket was taken, and ask what their procedure is now. It should be that on being ntofied that it was taken, the process should re-start and the original reduced fee can be paid within the usual limit. If not this would be maladministration.
If they insist your friends saw it, ask for the evidence.
On 25 Mar 2010 at 7:25am grafter wrote:
If that works then everyone would use that excuse to get off paying! The system is pants but they had the choice to park legally. Get over it!
On 25 Mar 2010 at 10:52am Sam Spam wrote:
They had shelled out for a "day ticket" but it was actually my fault that they parked outside our house since I didn't know it was permit-holders only (we have a permit) and I actually asked them to move off Pelham Terrace (which is ticket) to reduce the risk of their mirror getting smashed off. I am obviously going to pay the fine whatever happens but would prefer to pay £35 (which I would have done had the ticket been there) as opposed to £70.....Likewise, if they had used one of our "book" of tickets and not bought their own one it would have also been legal!......simples?
On 25 Mar 2010 at 11:01am Sam Spam wrote:
...and just for the record "grafter", I was asking for advice on the best course of action to take NOT bitching about the system or getting a ticket!......you don't have to be a knob all the time, take a day off once in a while!
On 25 Mar 2010 at 1:12pm Barking Parking wrote:
It does work, because it is a requirement of a legal scheme. Nobody 'get off' it simply returns the process back to a point at which the person who has been issued with a ticket would hve been. They can pay, appeal or ignore it, as is their right. I suggest you 'Graft' a bit at the parking adjudicators office.
On 25 Mar 2010 at 5:09pm Sam Spam wrote:
we have written out all the details etc and have sent it to them.....let's see what happens!
On 1 Apr 2010 at 7:50pm TheBogsDollocks wrote:
Many PCN's can easily be overturned if you know what to look for. www.pepipoo.com has a great parking forum with expert advice. I recommend posting on the forum if you ever want a PCN cancelled.
I recall that East Sussex CC PCN's fail to comply with what the law requires.

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