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primary schools

On 30 Apr 2008 at 5:00pm vera wrote:
I agree with earloflewes. Southover is full of stuck-up yummy mummies with 4x4 and people carriers. They arrive at the playground in clicks yapping away. And look down on us down -to -earth parents!
On 1 May 2008 at 11:35am anon wrote:
There are probably a handful of 4x4s at Southover and whilst there is undoubtedly some money around I have yet to meet a "stuck up yummy mummy" let alone come across anyone considering themselves better than the next person. Certainly I have never heard anyone from the playground criticizing the parent group at another school as Vera does! It paints such an unfair picture of a really vibrant, fun and caring school with, in my experience, a very friendly mixed bunch of parents and carers from all walks of life. There is enough strife and misery in the world so let's just be nice to each other!

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