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place to stay for 3 nights/German, Russian lessons

On 18 Aug 2007 at 8:14am Alja wrote:
I was so silly as to spend almost all what was left of my summer's scholarship for participating in the "Small Wonder" short story festival in Charleston, Firle, before I have discovered that there's nothing like a hostel there.
Please, could anybody in Charleston or Lewes offer a nice and harmless female student an old sofa for three nights? I'll bring my own linen and be as quiet or as conversational as you wish The problem is: my finances are quite dried up, so that I can't offer more than 10 p. per night.
Alternatively, I could give you German or Russian lessons as payment (I have spent a half of my life in each of these countries and have motehr tongue level in both), or translate something into or from one of this languages.
Please contact at alja.berlinaATgmx.de
On 18 Aug 2007 at 11:37am brad pitt wrote:
chav is your man

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Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
Thomas Paine

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