Lewes Forum thread

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On 20 Dec 2009 at 8:23pm oh dear wrote:
i love the idea of not driving, but should it be necessary for the pedestrians to use the road, rather than the ice rink, that is our pavement. oh dear...shouldn't someone be responsible for the pavements?
On 20 Dec 2009 at 8:31pm roadster wrote:
dont use the roads to walk on otherwise some clarksucker will come on here and demand that you pay road tax like they have to.
On 20 Dec 2009 at 8:38pm DEVIL wrote:
On 21 Dec 2009 at 10:34am Down and Out wrote:
When I was a kid up north and it snowed, it was a given that everyone felt they had a duty to clear the snow and ice from the pavement into front of their house. Whilst I accept that the local councils have been pretty lacklustre in the last couple of days; there are the roads and there are obviously pavements without houses, it would make a hell of a difference if people got off their backsides instead of blaming the council automatically. Same goes for shopkeepers et al.
On 21 Dec 2009 at 10:44am Onlooker. wrote:
Didn't I read on here somewhere on here that if you do clear pavements outside your house and someone falls or slips as a result,you are then liable?
On 21 Dec 2009 at 12:24pm Two smoking barrels wrote:
Isn't part of the poll tax we pay, earmarked for keeping pavements clear of snow and ice and safe to walk on? I called to compain that the pavements were dangerous and was told ESCC had only one crew for Lewes town and limited salt supplies. I was asked which streets I was concerned about and that the crew would be directed there, we're still waiting 3 days later, I've seen 4 people fall and nearly gone myself a couple of times, and my wife fell and has a huge bruise on her hip. - ESCC 'services' the next time you get a brochure through your letter box telling you what a great job they do and how concerned they are, remember this balls-up. maybe we should ask for a rebate for failure to deliver the service we pay for.
On 21 Dec 2009 at 12:24pm Down and Out wrote:
Onlooker - I'm 99.9% certain that's one of those BS Daily Mail urban myths. If anyone has any hard evidence to suggest otherwise, let them post it up.

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