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parking in Lewes

On 11 Jul 2015 at 8:04am Kev wrote:
can lewes parking wardens get anymore pathetic ?. parked in Zone D outside the Lewes registry office on Thursday and put a visitor parking permit in my window. and as I didn't have a pen, I wrote my reg No in pencil (although it was a bit faint). but even so it was clearly displayed. result... £25 parking fine. am seriously considering boycotting any work inside Lewes town. darn job was only worth £30.
On 11 Jul 2015 at 8:15am bonfire boy wrote:
Yes i parked in pelham terrace to do a job i didnt have a pen or pencil & got fined so i challeged it but i had to pay the scheme sucks !
On 11 Jul 2015 at 11:15am Lewesperson wrote:
Kev , please challenge that nonsense. If your ticket was clear enough, just say that a pencil is a legitimate writing tool, that you judged it to be clear enough, and that is all one can reasonably do. Ask them how clear they think 'clear' is supposed to be , and where the Council's clearness criteria can be found. Can it be a little unclear, not at all unclear, pretty unclear? how is clearness being judged? If they start waffling on about being able to erase a pencil, then remind them that a pen can also be erased. This is the kind of nonsense that continues to undermine any notion that the scheme is not just a money making exercise.
On 11 Jul 2015 at 11:35am The Old Mayor wrote:
Don't like the parking scheme ? Why not sign the petition on this forum ? The petition hasn't been very effective, although its been here for about 10 years.
On 11 Jul 2015 at 12:11pm Kev wrote:
I was going to challenge it, but it does say on the ticket "write in ink". so I know its not the right thing to do but I decided to pay early and only pay £25. instead of appealing and possibly having to pay £50. they win. I shall not make the same mistake again, but it does make one think about how viable it is to take work in the town. maybe I shall just stick to the surrounding area
On 11 Jul 2015 at 12:27pm Lewesperson wrote:
Your choice. Maybe use a very faint grey ink pen next time. It is worth remembering that if you challenge a ticket , it will remain at £25 even if your challenge is unsuccessful, you then have the same time to pay before it goes up to £50. Also a ticket can be cancelled at any time.
On 11 Jul 2015 at 1:00pm Kev wrote:
thank you Lewes person. that's worth remembering, ive no doubt it is written on the back of the ticket somewhere, if had read it all. but thanks for the advise I will certainly keep that in mind for next time (hopfully there wont be a next time).
On 11 Jul 2015 at 2:31pm Tradesman wrote:
I certainly won't bother with Lewes when I can go to Brighton and get the Pink £ from customers who appreciate the way I work and accept they have to cover my parking charges.
On 13 Jul 2015 at 2:19am Mike Best wrote:
Kev, from the moment you challenge the fine it effectively pauses it, so you can always challenge and not have to pay more if you aren't succesful.
On 13 Jul 2015 at 5:49am George Best wrote:
Yeah challenge. Hic

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