On 21 Feb 2016 at 5:30pm Big man wrote:
so now Big Boris will vote to come out
On 21 Feb 2016 at 5:45pm Earl of Lewes wrote:
I get the feeling this subject is going to dominate the forum even more than Mumford and Sons did a few years ago. *Sigh*
On 21 Feb 2016 at 5:56pm trooper wrote:
@ Earl of Lewes. I fear you are correct., it is going to be a long suffering road.
just hang in there.
On 21 Feb 2016 at 6:42pm Magpie wrote:
Do not let this Buffoon Boris influence you! He is a divisive politician and just gagging to become Prime Minister and will try and do this whatever it takes to achieve his ambition.
On 21 Feb 2016 at 6:53pm Big man wrote:
Magpie . you may be right about Boris p.m in wating
But I will vote out because all the illegal immigration .and so will most people piss off with it
On 21 Feb 2016 at 8:51pm skepticalgreen wrote:
illegal immigration doesn't come from EU citizens that's legal immigration. Illegal immigration obviously comes through the EU as do genuine and non genuine refugee claimants. Can't for the life of me see how leaving the EU helps with the latter. Once we are out there is no reason for the EU countries not to just let people get on planes and ferries to the UK and leave it for us to sort out. At the moment other EU countries let us vet potential arrival's to the UK in their countries and take in quite a lot of refugees themselves.
On 21 Feb 2016 at 10:03pm Paul Newman wrote:
As I have previously explained we do not have immigration from the EU at all per se . We have freedom of movement within the EU and 1,200,000 Brits are living and working abroad. True rather more EU citizens are here due to the success we have had in creating employment but also because London is an International City . You would be amazed how many French people live in this country ( you might be surprised how many Chinese are here btw , funny how they never mentioned ).
This has absolutely nothing to do with accepting refugees and we have taken virtually none , it also has nothing to do with areas of cities becoming foreign countries so dominated are they by communities emanating from Pakistan and Bangladesh .
I know many Lewes Liberals will disagree with me but I continue to have strong views on the mishandling of New Common wealth immigration . There has been far too much , the whole arranged marriage scam has not been confronted and the so called multi-cultural project was always a dangerous insult to England’s dominant ethnicity , the English. In that sense I daresay I would agree with many kippers and I have complained bitterly for years.
Quite how it will help us to impoverish the country alienate us from our largest trading partner , endanger the City risk employment interest rate hikes and exclusion form the largest free trade agreement the world has ever seen between the EU and the US utterly defeats me.
We can only say again and again . EU migration is a large net contributor to the exchequer , their presence does not take jobs it creates jobs by growing the economy and for the same reason it does not reduce earnings it increases them . You may ( mystifyingly )dislike the German French Polish people in Lewes but they certainly don`t cost you any money.
On 21 Feb 2016 at 10:39pm Redballs wrote:
Skeptical Green- when we are in charge of our own borders, If people turn up we don't want we can just turn them away and they will have to go back from whence they came so its no great mystery.
It will not be easy, but it will be up to us to make our own decisions purely for our own benefit.
Once we go there will be others who want to leave and in 10 years time the EU will be very different.
On 21 Feb 2016 at 10:52pm Bored wrote:
Just remember who built the castle ; ) There wasn't a European Union back then, but there were plenty of wars and invasions. It's very easy to forget our history. Also I'm not sure why you need to tell everyone you're voting out. Just do it if that's what you want. I will be voting to stay in as we aren't, and never will be , the colonial power we once were so we need to remain in the EU to stay afloat economically.
On 22 Feb 2016 at 12:29am Dingo wrote:
The only sensible choice is IN.Just look at the xenophobic Dad`s Army of loons that want out.
On 22 Feb 2016 at 8:12am Swiss Tony wrote:
If we leave the EU we'll be skint, like poor old Switzerland.
On 22 Feb 2016 at 9:21am Mark wrote:
I note that Paul Newman has already been kind enough to explain the issues around immigration to us and I thank him for that but I do think that there's more to the question - and whether or not we're an independent country won't matter much either way. Several years ago Oxfam did research showing that the wealthiest 85 individual people in the world had more wealth than the combined wealth of the poorest half of the world's population. They repeated the research this year and found that it's now 67 people. It's utterly unsustainable. I was in Nairobi in December and, almost without fail, every local person asked me whether I could help them to move to the UK. People in the third world are learning that there's life beyond their village.
On 22 Feb 2016 at 10:42am Mr Ryder wrote:
Dingo grow up.
Were Gaitskell, Tony Benn, Michael Foot 'xenophobic Dad`s Army of loons' ??
Corbyn voted no to the EEC in 1975 is he?
How about Priti Patel? Gove? Boris?
Hackneyed slurs and no argument, as usual.
Have they stopped teaching people how to argue in schools? or perhaps you didn't go to one.
On 23 Feb 2016 at 9:35pm pope wrote:
You put the right men in, the left men out, in out, in out, whats it all about. You blame the immigration and you want them out, Thats what its all about.