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once a year in Lewes.

On 2 Nov 2015 at 6:58am worker wrote:
Its that time of year when you all come in to town in your stripes, grab your torches, march then watch the grand firework displays at your firesite. Just remember, your torches weren't mass purchased on Amazon, your effigies weren't brought from china and your aerial displays don't come in the racks from Tesco. Behind the scenes some members have been hard at work for months and months getting things ready for your enjoyment on the night. Bonfire for a few isn't just one day a year in Lewes, its all year round.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 8:15am Convenient wrote:
I kind of thought you enjoyed doing it ?they're not my torches , not my effigies not my firesite ( not your firesite either ) . If you like doing it then fantastic but don't do it so you can get patted on the back and thanked . I might guess you do it because you enjoy the camaraderie and that one day you too can scrawl "Captain "of something in felt tip on the back of your stripey outfit .
On 2 Nov 2015 at 8:20am Nob wrote:
@worker, take no notice. There are thousands of others who appreciate your efforts. Thank You.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 8:21am sceptic wrote:
Try to find out who Convenient is worker and perhaps next year you can make an effigy of him or her and BURN it. You all do a great job and I am certain the majority of Lewesians think the same.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 10:26am observer wrote:
in these times of austerity and how there are so many food banks and how badly the NHS needs more funding it seems to me that all the money wasted on fireworks and all the extra expense of policing one night could go to a better cause.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 10:36am viv wrote:
Observer, when our communities are being undermined by cuts and the government is encouraging an increasingly hostile attitude to the poorer sections of society I think an event which brings people together with a great sense of fun and camaraderie is one of the best causes there is.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 11:14am Bang wrote:
Well said viv , all the money spent on fireworks are raised by the societies and the policing paid for out of our council tax . so for Petes sake let those of us who help raise the money enjoy the 5th without the guilt trip
On 2 Nov 2015 at 12:27pm Border Control wrote:
Burn Convienient Burn !!
On 2 Nov 2015 at 12:45pm Country Boy wrote:
Does anyone know the value of 5th Nov to the economy of Lewes? - Serious question.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 1:02pm Traditionalist wrote:
Lewes IS the Fifth. The NHS won't be helped by the relatively small money saved hypothetically by ending Bonfire. It would be helped by sacking layers of bureaucracy and training nurses properly instead of a degree and dumped on a ward. My good wife spent 30 years in the NHS started @ the bottom and ended with a degree in Nursing. Having recently been in hospital for a few days she reports that it is getting worse .
On 2 Nov 2015 at 1:03pm observer wrote:
remember not everyone likes Bonfire night in Lewes, but there obviously is enough money in the pot for people to have "fun" at the expense of others.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 1:09pm stig of the dump wrote:
Ahhh the 5th in Lewes, a day that turns normally mild mannered Ladies and gentlefolk of the town into complete and utter selfish idiots who suddenly behave like a bunch of knuckle dragging retards, and then return to normal the next day.
Dontcha luv Lewes
On 2 Nov 2015 at 1:24pm Won't be druv wrote:
Back to the economy question , impossible to say but it's all year round as there are many meetings , mostly held in pubs and some of the main Lewes calendar events are bonfire driven , Waterloo fete , Southover medieval thing , Lewes live , proms in the paddock , skittles tournament (not solely ) so our vibrant town has a lot to owe to the Few . Tin hat on
On 2 Nov 2015 at 1:42pm convenient wrote:
@Wont be druv "a lot to owe to the few"... laugh out very loudly , oh how important you must feel .
On 2 Nov 2015 at 4:02pm Won't be druv wrote:
@convenient , as it happens I'm not important at all as I'm just a bystander , I. Just replying to a sensible question with what I thought was a sensible rational answer that put some perspective on it, glad I bothered now , ARSE
On 2 Nov 2015 at 5:15pm Bang wrote:
Observer your not very observant are you , it has been explained on this and other threads that the 5th is financed by the members for the members there isn't a pot to be had . As for the police they will be there whatever.so stop stirring it up its one night a year for Petes sake .
On 2 Nov 2015 at 5:56pm Guy wrote:
Once a year too much
On 2 Nov 2015 at 6:13pm make your minds up. wrote:
worker wrote:Its that time of year when you all come in to town in your stripes, grab your torches, march then watch the grand firework displays at your firesite. Just remember, your torches weren't mass purchased on Amazon, your effigies weren't brought from china and your aerial displays don't come in the racks from Tesco. Behind the scenes some members have been hard at work for months and months getting things ready for your enjoyment on the night. Bonfire for a few isn't just one day a year in Lewes, its all year round.
But hang on.... bang wrote: financed by the members for the members. so if its for the "members" convenient has a point. don't expect a pat on the back from the watchers, after all, its not for our benefit.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 6:48pm Bang wrote:
Summed up by make your mind up . Each society has members that work tirelessly all year round to put on the 5th they know who they are and so do their fellow bonfire members . There is no lottery grant or local government subside it is financed by solid hard work, members subs and local fundraising . People put money in the tins local charities benefit as do hotels , shops, pubs and businesses , if you don't enjoy bonfire night no problem that's your view so turn up the TV and stay in without meddling
On 2 Nov 2015 at 8:29pm Mavis wrote:
Maybe it only needs another child to be hit on the head with a firework. As the final straw. If not, just how many ?
On 2 Nov 2015 at 8:43pm townie wrote:
3,500 people killed on our roads each year Mavis...will they ban cars ? get real, injuries are minimal and unfortunate.
On 2 Nov 2015 at 8:53pm astrid wrote:
I am a proud member and I give up my time to paint, make torches help fund-raise etc etc. As Bang said quite rightly stop meddling! and turn up the tv if you don't like it.
I just dont understand why the moaning.
all the societies have charities they raise funds for. I also want to point out it is the people that are coming in from out side of lewes that cause the problems not the members!
On 2 Nov 2015 at 10:33pm Meldrew wrote:
What worries me is the increasing levels of air pollution caused by bonfires and chemicals released by the fireworks. If the fog levels remain high, this is going to be a reminder of the 50's smog. All these lovely colours in the Lewes sky are products of the Calcium, Strontium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium etc. metals, plus the Phosphorous, sulphur and nitrogen oxides - this is pollution on an industrial scale. Not to mention all the rubbish from burning large amounts of timber from dubious sources. Puts Volkwagen in the Holier than Thou league
On 3 Nov 2015 at 7:23am Bored wrote:
Lewes is bonfire, famous for it the world over, I personally love our towns history and tradition, infact I'm proud of it, makes the hair stand up the back of my neck when I see it on telly or you tube. I know there are local people that hate it, fine. But what really annoys me, is people that move to our town that then want to ban it, if you fit in this category then please shut up and go away! Enjoy it for what it is......a bit of fun.
On 3 Nov 2015 at 8:11am Observer wrote:
I don't want to ban Bonfire but I hate the disruption it caused and there seems to be much more disruption than when I moved here31years ago ,I had no idea of Bonfire tradition when I moved here.
On 3 Nov 2015 at 9:08am Bang wrote:
Thank you observer that's very kind of you . You aren't born and bred so you don't count goodbye
On 3 Nov 2015 at 10:13am observer wrote:
no i am not born and bred in Lewes but i pay my huge council tax, i pay my income tax and my children were born here so i feel i do have a right to voice my feelings.
On 3 Nov 2015 at 10:27am Bonfire Person wrote:
If you don't like Bonfire why don't you 'ckoff to one of the many drab monochrome towns the south east has to offer?
On 3 Nov 2015 at 10:42am Sardon wrote:
It's only one night and keeps them amused. Just imagine what your life must be like if nov 5th is the highlight.
On 3 Nov 2015 at 10:46am Observer wrote:
Yes bonfire your response speaks volumes!!!
On 3 Nov 2015 at 1:21pm fred wrote:
Lewes without Bonfire would be a sad place, it is about tradition, togetherness and having a common positive cause, which brings £'000 into the area each year. If you do not like it, stay away keep yourself indoors and just remember "you are not a part of it...". Across the UK there are many bye-gone traditions lost for ever. It's these that must continue or we lose our hearts and soles to a boring common existence. To be different is to be alive......................
On 3 Nov 2015 at 1:28pm Bang wrote:
Precisely Fred why should we apologise for defending our traditions won't be long before these cowardly Morons will be critisicing us for wearing poppies
On 3 Nov 2015 at 1:48pm Hearts and soles wrote:
sounds like a load of cobblers.
On 3 Nov 2015 at 11:28pm JustAThought wrote:
Jesus Christ. Have you heard yourself? Talking about "You aren't born and bred so you don't count goodbye", "If you don't like Bonfire why don't you 'ckoff", "Its the outsiders that cause the trouble" "it is about tradition" . It sounds like something out of the film Deliverance. I can assure you that Lewes Bonfire is not famous world over. Rio carnival is. Venice carnival is. Bonfire night is simply a bunch of middle aged, beer swilling men & women, aggressively marching through the street for a cause of which the majority are oblivious too. Holding torches and setting off fireworks, while chanting empty songs. Bonfire night does not welcome outsiders, it is void of culture, no class, no Passion.
Sardon summed it perfectly. Imagine what your life must be like if November the 5th is the highlight.
On 4 Nov 2015 at 10:52pm Lewesian wrote:
Maybe you ought to do your homework on the tradition of bonfire in this town. I'm in bonfire, female and teetotal, I also have a life outside of it. I think people on this forum need to stop being so nasty about everything and everyone. Grow up!
On 6 Nov 2015 at 12:26pm Penguin wrote:
@Just a Thought. I am watching the Daily Politics programme, and they just referred to the 'world famous Lewes Bonfire celebrations'. Just thought I'd mention it.

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