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new world order

On Tue 23 Jan at 4:47pm knight temlar wrote:
here we go for the green agenda to use it against the poor like this lewes council ,by getting rid of fire places in council houses ,so the poor become even more poorer ,they just dont want u to have free heating or free energy .for the great reset ,your be happier and own nothing so they can take it away from you ,all about control.
On Tue 23 Jan at 5:17pm Green Sleeves wrote:
Lol trolljob
On Tue 23 Jan at 5:57pm knight temlar wrote:
got a prediction for u ,end times , trump gets back in ,uk economy in a bad way .war, weather ,floods storms .famines ,ufo DECEPTION.distractions .great Awakening,truth coming ,lies being exposed .the second coming .
On Wed 24 Jan at 9:17am knight temlar wrote:
so brain dead people dont like truth cos it hurts them,
On Wed 24 Jan at 10:21am Green Sleeves wrote:
Look Tom, you got yourself a little friend to play with.
On Wed 24 Jan at 10:59am knight temlar wrote:
are hurt lol
On Wed 24 Jan at 11:49am Knight Templar wrote:
All will be revealed once you have returned to me with the gift of a Shrubbery.
On Wed 24 Jan at 5:53pm knight temlar wrote:
your own nothing and happy ,lol more like they will own everything and we the slaves will own nothing ,eat bugs and enslave you ,beast system .
On Wed 24 Jan at 6:05pm knight temlar wrote:
all about control .they create problem then solution ,no freedom of speech ,woke=broke .,cashless society means they can make your money disappear if you rebel against the beast system leading to being chipped ,and if you dont have the chip under your skin you wont be able to buy or sell,‘Great Reset’ setting the stage for the Antichrist?
On Wed 24 Jan at 7:55pm knight temlar wrote:
war ,and another man made over fearing pandemic coming x.wake up neo .follow the white rabbit ,question everything.
On Wed 24 Jan at 8:00pm knight temlar wrote:
ghost sec ,webbo ,were watching
On Wed 24 Jan at 8:50pm King of sussex wrote:
This is what happens when you sacrifice mental health services for corporate tax relief.
On Thu 25 Jan at 9:12am knight temlar wrote:
this is what happens when retxxds like you who are brain dead blind to the truth ,sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me ,lol .u t . fu.
On Thu 25 Jan at 9:56am Green Sleeves wrote:
We will have to use sticks and stones then. We must oppress those who speak the "truth"
On Thu 25 Jan at 10:54am knight temlar wrote:
what like your ip address ,nice web cam
On Thu 25 Jan at 7:57pm Nevillman wrote:
Keep calm everyone. So it's all going to be bad so that the antichrist can come. Completely entitled to your views knight temlar and thanks for sharing.
Ni Knight Templar
On Fri 26 Jan at 8:25am Knight Templar wrote:
Quick grab the Holy Hand Grenade of Anitoch and let us ride to Camelot (it's only a model).
On Sun 28 Jan at 12:48pm Green Sleeves wrote:
This thread is a total failure. Only Tom Pain can salvage it with his wisdom.
On Sun 28 Jan at 2:00pm Nevillman wrote:
The only person with the intellectual depth to take on knight temlar.
On Wed 20 Mar at 6:27pm alexseen12 wrote:
On Fri 22 Mar at 6:27pm jeromelightson wrote:
I heard a great explanation about the new world order. It was very interesting to read.

Check it out here »
On Sat 20 Apr at 9:45pm Anonymous wrote:
You don't need a fireplace, you need spell correct

15 posts left

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