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looking for information on the Black Horse

On 14 Nov 2005 at 2:18am Lydia Lecot wrote:
My grandmother passed away in 2003. She was originally from Lewes and her (Doris (Wickens)Robinson, her brother (Jim Wickens) and her father (Bertram Wickens) ran the Black Horse Hotel back during WW2 (before and after). She married my grandfather who was serving with the Canadian army in 1941 and moved back to Canada with him in 1947. She left me some really interesting information and I've been trying to rewrite what she had wrote for me with more detail. I am looking for anyone who may have known her family or anything about the Black Horse. I found a Black Horse Inn.....is it the same place? Any information would be appretiated.
On 14 Nov 2005 at 8:31am Dave wrote:
The above link gives a little detail although the landlord has since changed. There is only 1 Black horse pub in Lewes.
On 16 Nov 2005 at 10:21pm Lydia Lecot wrote:
Thankyou for your help!

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