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lights out

On 2 Feb 2014 at 1:20am slightly scared wrote:
Does anyone know which organisation/department I need to complain to regarding street lights? Since the lights on malling hill/down between orchard road and barn road have been extinguished, I have felt unsafe walking home alone. Even walking into town at 8pm it is pitch black! I've almost twisted my ankle twice on the uneven surface on the pavement. I'd rather walk through the pells at 3am on my own.... At least that's lit up!!
On 2 Feb 2014 at 6:16am Screams Toad wrote:
Welcome to Malling Lopster
On 2 Feb 2014 at 7:48am DJ wrote:
Take a torch?
On 2 Feb 2014 at 9:05am bastian wrote:
there are some worrying and uncaring replies here, If you are a six male you might feel very differently about lack of lighting at night. Incase you haven't been looking at the news for Brighton recently there have been attacks on women at night. Lewes is not Brighton but it is only step away, and it has its own livelyness at night which can be unpleasant enough if you live in the centre, lack of lighting is a problem in the winter as it is still dark quite early and young women need to feel safe here.
Get on to the coucil and put it in actual writing, hand it to the desk at the coucil offices so that you know it has reached them and try to find out the name of the person who is responsible for lighting so it reaches them personally. The reason we ought to go back to using dirrect communication is because the online versions are so easy to just ignore, if we target the right people it is personal, and it should be in the case of someone feeling unsafe because of a desicion like this.
On 2 Feb 2014 at 9:13am Teacher wrote:
I agree with your reply Bastian, for a female to walk darkened streets at night can be very scary and needs to be sorted, surely the money made from parking fees should well cover the cost of lighting the streets at night. By the way Bastian I must correct you on your grammar, it should be " if you are a sick male".
On 2 Feb 2014 at 9:14am frisha wrote:
You can report a problem with street lights to East Sussex Highways using the link below. I think the link at the top of the page for the 'original' fault reporting systems is probably a bit easier to use. I used it a few weeks ago to report a problem which is now fixed.

Check it out here »
On 2 Feb 2014 at 10:38am Lewes resident wrote:
I reported the problem with the lights in Orchard Road on the 23rd January, ECC Highways informed me it would take 10 days to fix the problem.
On 2 Feb 2014 at 10:50am slightly scared wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I'll get a letter written up today. As for the 'welcome to malling' comment, I've lived here my whole life and have never worried about walking home alone before.
On 2 Feb 2014 at 11:29am Old cynic wrote:
Get a torch, Lewes is very, very safe even for weak and feeble woman - I am often out with the dogs late at night for an evening walk and its really not a problem - you rarely see anyone around. God help you if you ever move to a real town - you'll never go out after sunset!
On 2 Feb 2014 at 1:14pm bastian wrote:
your glib and imagineless comment has been noted, as usual you are only talking about your experience. It is a different world for other people, and in the city there are often othe rpeople around at night, here there are no witnesses if something goes wrong. Lewes is basically safe, but it is still not Ok to have lights out in the winter. Your old fashioned terms will only mark you out as a biligerant old git rather than a kind and thinking human being.
On 2 Feb 2014 at 1:41pm The Old Mayor wrote:
You're quiet right 'simply scared' we should not have to put up with this in the 21st century. Lewes isn't a rural backwater, it's the County Town for heavens sake. The Council is just trying it on and more of us need to complain. They go out to early, and come on too late, especially in winter.
On 2 Feb 2014 at 5:48pm wanderer wrote:
council will not do a thing if it was part of the power down programme if it was then you need to speak to Norman Bakers office they are very good at getting the lights switched back on as the idiot from east sussex lighting states you have had a consultation period and that's that.
If its a general fault then goto fixmystreet website clcik the map section and plot the fault and within a week its fixed
On 2 Feb 2014 at 6:13pm Boy Racer wrote:
Just seen a public information advert on TV, which says street lights mean 30ph, unless otherwise stated. So no street lights no speed limit !! Go for it.
On 2 Feb 2014 at 9:00pm Old Cynic wrote:
You know what I don't give a hoot, it's about time some folk took a bit of responsibility for themselves and man up rather than bleating on here about being scared - it's hardly a ghetto
On 2 Feb 2014 at 9:35pm Clifford wrote:
Too true Old Cynic. The window cleaners i like best are the pair who merrily hose the windows down in the pouring rain. Nice blokes, but they really are taking the p, are they not?
On 3 Feb 2014 at 12:06am Grizzle wrote:
Old Cynic, Terrance your Rottweiler is such a pooch on a dark night!
On 3 Feb 2014 at 11:51am CLOWSIE wrote:
So to complain about certain lights being out we need to go to Normal Baker? The one is Fishers Street and the one is Abinger Place worry me. Can somebody just confirm please. Thanks
On 3 Feb 2014 at 12:44pm Lewes resident wrote:
Contacted ESCC Highways today was informed the lights in Orchard Road will be working again by 6th February 2014.
On 3 Feb 2014 at 9:35pm also scared wrote:
I have to walk to work at 6.oo each morning when the lights are still off and I too find it very dangerous. I'm more worried about falling over than anything else as it is pitch black. And I do take a torch. Drivers have also told me they find that stretch of road dangerous.

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