On 4 Mar 2009 at 9:16pm Steven John Holford wrote:
The Lewes parking scheme has hit a new low for me today. Having just finished unloading, a lady brought to my attention that i was just about to get ticket. I got in the car and drove off, angry that yet again just trying to earn a living in Lewes is made harder than it need be. about an hour and a half later i received a no number call asking if i was the owner of my car, when i said i was he said if i tried to run him over again he would stab my ass. after at first laughing it off a realized that my number was displayed in the shop window, and this person who now has my name and phone number had just threatened to stab me. I have phoned the police and reported it. But who the hell are they employing,do they know? I was attacked in my home 11 years ago in front of my then wife and 4 year old son who was deeply disturbed by it at the time. this has brought it all back and it's actually quite frightening. What on earth is going on and where is it going to end, are they going to start killing us instead of the fines. I don't know what I should do or who i should talk to about this. any suggestions?
On 5 Mar 2009 at 12:15am The Jung One wrote:
I'm not being facetious, but it sounds as if you need to see a counsellor. The phone incident is clearly upsetting, but I think it was just someone letting off steam for some reason. You're clearly under stress and this episode has dragged up a lot of horrible feelings and memories and they have become magnified. You need to talk it over with someone and get some perspective. Good luck and best wishes.
On 5 Mar 2009 at 4:17pm Ed Can Do wrote:
You should report it to NCP as the chances are it was one of their employees who rang you and that kind of abuse of information is serious business.
Where there's blame there's a claim and all that.
On 5 Mar 2009 at 6:30pm ceo ?? wrote:
i find this some what hard to believe??? good luck!!
On 5 Mar 2009 at 6:34pm Chav wrote:
Oy Holf. Gimmee your money or the budgie gets it.
leave it in a brown bag in the alley by the rainbow.
Worth a try
On 5 Mar 2009 at 6:58pm imaginative wrote:
i find this hard to belive too. but contact ncp and tell them what happend if you must park in the wrong place expect a ticket or tell the warden you are unloading however unloading only applys to commercial vehicles if you have a car buy a ticket better than receiving one
On 5 Mar 2009 at 8:43pm Stargazer wrote:
very very hard to believe i'm afraid, none of the ceos would ever behave in this manner but contact NCP anyway and see what happens, of course they won't start killing people they're not evil monsters you know, they're just doing a job laid down by ESCC!!
On 5 Mar 2009 at 9:08pm SONNY wrote:
just a point of law, if this guy is a traffic warden and the police catch up with him .and he makes an allegation that you tried to run him over, you could end up being investigated by the police and a possibility of being taken to court. with the fact that if he is a traffic warden and you are found guilty, it would be as serious as trying to run over a police officer with up to 1 year in prison and or £2000 fine maximum .for this person to go to the trouble to get number there must of been a reason for this .Im not saying that he was right in what he did,but is it worth all the trouble.I live in lewes and yes the parking is a nightmare but being angry with wardens doesn't work .Take care
On 5 Mar 2009 at 10:38pm ceo bb wrote:
What did this guy look like then? I don't really believe you, but i want a laugh.
On 5 Mar 2009 at 11:02pm Hedwig wrote:
On 6 Mar 2009 at 7:48am The Tooth Fairy wrote:
What did the numpty look like, Steve, They're all quite distinctive, in a freak show kind of way.
On 6 Mar 2009 at 8:45am Hercule Piorot wrote:
Did he look like Ivan Healey?
On 7 Mar 2009 at 5:59pm Bluewave wrote:
I am intrigued, what did the warden look like SJH?
On 13 Mar 2009 at 6:55pm bb wrote:
"They're all quite distinctive, in a freak show kind of way."
thats good coming from someone called tooth fairy.
On 16 Mar 2009 at 5:47pm Theshadow wrote:
Actually no they're not freakish looking,quite afew of them are not bad at all