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lewes broadband

On 30 Nov 2014 at 7:49pm greatandgood wrote:
Looking for advice (or link to earlier message) about best broadband in Lewes. Our provider drops about 20 times a day and then kindly offers 'self heal' as a helpful remedy. Any suggestions for a steady connection to the web welcome.
On 30 Nov 2014 at 8:08pm Pancha wrote:
Name and shame, we are with sky for broadband and tv. The tv is really good but the internet is awful, between 5pm and 11pm. No hope of getting online!
On 30 Nov 2014 at 8:30pm Nevill resident wrote:
Well I've been with Sky for years and never had any problems. Always very good service.
On 30 Nov 2014 at 8:57pm Bonfire Boy wrote:
We are with sky the broadband was slow,I complained they sent me a new Hub when I fitted in the broadband a lot quicker now !
On 30 Nov 2014 at 10:16pm Horseman7 wrote:
BT Infinity2, 55 mbps up, 17mbps down. Works equally well in busy or quiet times. I run a business from home on this connection.
On 1 Dec 2014 at 5:44am Landporter wrote:
No problems with Sky BB down on Landport.
On 1 Dec 2014 at 7:57am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
BT non-Infinity is rubbish, very slow. We only switched to BT so we could watch MotoGP, and we spend half of each race looking at a rotating blue circle. We also get no connection at all at least once a week, sometimes for several hours.
I think it's a scam to get you to pay more and get Infinity.
We were with Eclipse before, good speeds and very reliable, but not cheap.
On 1 Dec 2014 at 8:29am Sjep76 wrote:
I have just swapped to Talktalk fibre optic. Broadband seems to be faster and no problems getting online at all.
On 1 Dec 2014 at 9:58am Tango wrote:
BT Infinity2 in Centre of Lewes 20mb up 70 mb down. Reliable at all times (so far) bit pricey at £30pm and no deal was available as I was existing BT customer so had to get penalised for my loyalty, boo!
On 1 Dec 2014 at 12:17pm LewesCheese wrote:
I was with TalkTalk a few years back. Fine till anything goes wrong then it takes weeks to get hold of anybody or to get anything done. I have BT TV, BB & landline and all work fast & swiftly. I'm at top of town. Also if anything does go wrong I've always got straight through to customer services who then either talk me through what to do or remotely fix the problem. Excellent service - now, must go & see where I keep my BT shares certificate. Only joking.
On 1 Dec 2014 at 3:26pm computer nick wrote:
Infinity supplied by PlusNet. 78M down and 20M up. No problems in a year.
£34 per month including line rental.
On 1 Dec 2014 at 3:59pm Jude wrote:
We were with talk talk basic but couldn't run more than one computer or internet enabled device at a time. We switched to talk talk fibre which is a bit better but still get the old blue spinning circle at what seem to be 'peak' times - ie the evening.
As I'm thinking of working from home soon, can anyone recommend a totally reliable provider ?
On 1 Dec 2014 at 5:52pm Southover Queen wrote:
I'm with Utility Warehouse - the price on their superfast BB has just come down, to around £20 a month now. I believe the speed is determined by where you are in town, but I get 40+ down and 10 up which is more than adequate for my needs. UW have real human beings on the end of the line, but I don't think I've ever had to deal with them apart from ordering the upgrade since it all seems to work.
On 2 Dec 2014 at 12:21am Bongo wrote:
I've just switched to EE, £18.25 a month for landline and BB, plus an extra 10 gb of data on my phone. Bargain! Not had a problem with it so far.......
On 2 Dec 2014 at 11:06am Ed Can Do wrote:
We're on Sky but normal broadband as Openreach haven't upgraded our cabinet yet apparently (The best ESCC could tell me was that it's not on the list to not be upgraded so they might do it at some point). Get a steady 8mbs down speed which does ok for streaming stuff. Slows down a touch in the evenings but not so it becomes a problem. Connecting things via powerline adaptors rather than using wifi makes a big difference mind you, it's often the signal inside your house that's the issue rather than outside.
On 2 Dec 2014 at 5:58pm Mo Dem wrote:
Seconding PlusNet fibre as suggested by computer nick: I get about 70 MB download and 20 MB upload on the Nevill and I can't remember it going wrong in a year. I work from home so need reliability and also a static IP address because I host some work stuff. And with the kids enjoying Netflix and iPlayer we easily get through 200 GB a month, so having unlimited bandwidth was essential. Another benefit is that the support phone lines get answered by people in UK, since PlusNet are based in Sheffield. Also you get a selection of Sheffield bands for the on-hold music, which I thought was a nice touch. Contrast this with the terrible offshore call centres you get from the likes of Talk Talk.
On 4 Dec 2014 at 11:04am Geek wrote:
PlusNet - fibre to the cabinet (Infinity Plus) = 70Mbps down, 10Mpbs up. all for £16/month. Very reliable

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