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kids/parents magazine

On 27 Jun 2008 at 7:33pm juniper wrote:
my partner is thinking of doing a kids/parents magazine for the Lewes area. The school where his daughter goes, Southover, has rejected the idea. He's now thinking of doing it with some of the local kids and a couple of parents. Anyone interested or got any suggestions?
On 27 Jun 2008 at 10:38pm the webmaster wrote:
If you want to promote it/share the info on here I'm all for it and I could probably put you in touch with a more open minded school to partner up with.
On 28 Jun 2008 at 3:45pm juniper wrote:
Thankyou for offering to help. My partner,my stepdaughter and myself have already designed the layout of the magazine, got a name for it and showed it around to some of the kids. It would be good to meet up at some stage to discuss the details. It would be good to advertise it on the net perhaps by setting up a web page. My partner is reasonably good with desktop publishing. (he published a couple of magazines before but not too confident with websites). Many thanks! Lets keep in touch.
On 30 Jun 2008 at 10:05am juniper wrote:
On the subject of a parent/children magazine. my partner and I are also considering starting a parenting group in Lewes in support of our initiative.
Landport Residents Association meeting room may be available for this purpose. Their chairman is a parent herself and a very kind helpful lady. The aim of this group is to foster better relationships with children and teachers (who will be encouraged to participate whenever possible) and to produce our magazine which will then be the result of a collective effort rather than a collection of articles with no particular aim in mind. Naturally there will be room for games and fun activities for all involved (a table football in the room to start with, in which my partner was number one in Italy!). Would anyone like to join this group?
On 1 Jul 2008 at 11:30am Local wrote:
Good idea - as long as it doesn't end up like Viva Lewes, which started well but is now just an advertising vehicle with the occasional bit of gushy writing.
On 1 Jul 2008 at 12:32pm juniper wrote:
Totally agree with you there! Yesterday we had a word with the lady who runs the local community centre and she seems enthusiastic about the idea and has offered the use of the room and resources. In return she would like the magazine to include the community news sheet. We are also meeting the Youth centre team leader who is very interested in the idea and is willing to help. The only thing we are puzzled about is that our magazine could become just a Landport based initiative and be classed as a community and volunteers only project. We would like our group to have a certain degree of independence and not be taken over by any organisation. Having said that,my partner is part of the Landport Resident Association and supports what they are doing and likes the idea of community involvement rather than a business oriented venture. Any thoughts? Our next step will be to define aims and rules (a constitution) for our group and decide the date for our first meeting. If anyone likes the idea of getting involved in some way and wants to have a say as to what should be top of the agenda for our group please do not hesitate to do so!
Many thanks
On 30 Nov 2008 at 9:36pm totallyagreewithyouthere wrote:
Are you talking about pete?

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