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green vw camper - the course

On 3 Jul 2010 at 9:57pm olithedrifter wrote:
the above has been parked in a space by the garages used by residents of the course for over a month now-it isnt a designated space for anyone but it is used by residents with guests visiting or over night by residents occasionally,does anyone know ehats happening, has it been dumped?
On 4 Jul 2010 at 9:38am Judge Montel wrote:
Are you asking out of concern for the owner olithedrifter or are you just being a nosey old bag? Are you the sort of person that rings up the council or the police hassling them over any small thing out of place?
On 4 Jul 2010 at 10:25am jrsussex wrote:
Judge Montel - Reasonable question I would have thought, years ago a vehicle park in the same place opposite my house for over a week so I reported it as that was not a normal occurence in the street. The vehicle had been stoled in London a couple of weeks before. Owner, I imagine, pleased to get his vehicle back, I certainly can't imagine they thought of me as a "nosey old bag"
On 4 Jul 2010 at 8:47pm Boris wrote:
Worse than being stolen, it might be inhabited by one of them dreadful new age people who believe that they are above the law.
On 5 Jul 2010 at 7:07am footymum wrote:
Wow my 4yr old daughter will want me to take her to see it. She is obsessed with campers!! I have to take photos of parked up campers for her collection.
Im of to The Course later with her.
On 5 Jul 2010 at 11:28am olithedrifter wrote:
oh montel,silly silly montel it is annoying but more to the point,my car has been parked there on occasion and i had my window smashed twice. as it turns out i think there are people living in it,as a resident of the area i suppose yes i am being a bit nosey but i think thats reasonable.
On 5 Jul 2010 at 4:09pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Footymum, there are loads on the Nevill!
There's often one parked in East Way or Hamsey Crescent, close (sometimes too close) to the junction with Mount Harry Road, and some people in Highdown (round about 60 something, odd number side) have a smart green one. There are 2 huge ones often parked outside a house in Windover and at least one a little further up Mount Harry.
You could take her on a little tour. Actually, you could take her camping - she'd see loads then.

On 5 Jul 2010 at 4:35pm Judge Montel wrote:
I'm sorry I thought you may of been a twitcher olithedrifter. Yes I suppose you are within your rights to show some concern.. Look at the story of the Lady that was camping in her car in Dorset, she starved herself whilst camping and died.. People there had noticed her her car had been there for several months, and thought better not say anything..

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