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full house

On 6 Sep 2015 at 8:01pm sid wrote:
a few points why we can not take so many immigrants
England 50.348 square miles population 53 million
France 247.368 square miles population 66 million
Germany 137,903 square miles population 80.63
up to 2013
sorry we are full
On 6 Sep 2015 at 8:05pm Vera wrote:
We live in Britain not England.
On 6 Sep 2015 at 8:13pm Vera wrote:
Plenty room here!

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On 6 Sep 2015 at 8:28pm sid wrote:
longer waiting times to see a G.P N H S schools
housing how about help people living on the streets 1000s of them.They need home but get turned away because we have a shortage of home so hoe the bloody hell can we take 10,000 to 15,000 pluss more immigrants when we do not have room to house them .
On 6 Sep 2015 at 8:57pm Ben wrote:
And how many thieves,rapists and murderers are amongst this army sweeping North? There is no way of knowing who the hell they are and what convictions they may be concealing. Granted most of them are just ordinary folk who see a chance of a better life by just turning up at the door of a more prosperous country. So rather than just doing the thumbs down , explain how any convicted criminals will be weeded out at the door in the absence of any identification which has been conveniently lost.
On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:07pm United We Fall? wrote:
Its obvious what will happen, the Government want to make available to 'Local Councils' a portion of the 'Overseas Aid Budget' to house Refugee's..
I can see Lewes Council for example getting their portion of the Overseas Aid Budget and it will promptly get swallowed up in their 'Talking About It Budget' and they will have no option left open to them other than to house the Refugee's on the normal housing waiting list but with the Refugee's taking priority over long standing desperate local folk..

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On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:16pm Maria Trapp wrote:
UK has a population density of 256/km2, Germany has a population density of 233. Not that different

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On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:35pm mutter wrote:
Wouldn't it be fantastic if the Lewes refugee quota had a couple of doctors and teachers in it?
On 6 Sep 2015 at 10:45pm Ben wrote:
Just look at the bbc news!!!! Thousands of them arriving to a warm welcome with clapping and cheering in Germany. What kind of message is this sending.....there will be millions of them coming now, yes millions!! Come to the promised land!...Europe.
On 7 Sep 2015 at 12:30am Muttley wrote:
Maria Trapp, your name is music to my ears, but I think you'll find an extra 23 people per km2 adds up to a LOT of extra people when you multiply it by the number of km2 in any country other than, say, Liechtenstein.
Having said which it's more a question of how many people a country can actually support with existing (or readily built) infrastructure.
On that front we're definitely creaking badly under our own weight, unless you're suggesting there's not really a housing crisis?
On 7 Sep 2015 at 10:55am Just rejoice and be .... wrote:
thankful that you can let your ex council house to a 'fugee @ a rent that'll be paid by the state.
On 7 Sep 2015 at 6:33pm Ed Can Do wrote:
On the upside, once all the civilians flee for their lives from Syria it'll make it much easier for the US to bomb whoever is left back to the stone age and help themselves to the oil.

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