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flood defences

On 9 Dec 2015 at 10:01pm sceptic wrote:
If we had the same amount of rain like they had in Scotland do you think the flood defences in Lewes could cope. My heart goes out to all the flood victims especially so near to Christmas.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 10:36am peptic wrote:
Floods in Lewes are mainly caused by exceptional high tides, not heavy rainfall on its own.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 10:55am lewes wrote:
They have done much work and made changes on the flood plain up and down the river which will also protect lewes in the future. Flood defences are also required to cover all bases.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 12:20pm Fred wrote:
We need the North Strett development ASAP as the river wall there is not up to standard and no body will do the work, it's down to any developer. We need the work ASAP, the town is still at risk.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 12:32pm Pells wrote:
The Pells Pond looks ready to flood on the opposite side to the pool - the water is to the top by the path. Also, the drain which lets water flow onto the wetland behind is totally blocked with sticks/rubbish. I wonder when this will be cleared? Is it covered under the Special Expenses part of the Council Tax?
On 10 Dec 2015 at 12:36pm Zebedee wrote:
The floods here are caused by lots of rain and high tides, both happening at the same time. Neither factor by itself has ever caused the town a problem AFAIK.

Cumbria had already new flood defences put in place. They were overwhelmed. It's generally accepted that the extreme weather is caused by ongoing climate change and that such events will become more likely. In the light of this perhaps the adequacy of the flood defences that Santon have agreed to build as part of the Phoenix development ought to be reviewed?
On 10 Dec 2015 at 1:38pm Dog eat Dog. wrote:
It`s sink or swim in Tory Britain.You`re on your own.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 3:29pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Will Santon's flood defences protect just the Santon properties, or will the protection extend to the Pells area, Waterloo Place etc?
And will the flood defences alongside Tesco have to be built up further to match? It would be awful if flooding prevented in North Street just made things worse in Spences Lane etc.
On 10 Dec 2015 at 3:42pm Slarty wrote:
Flood plains. Called that for a reason. Very useful in floods (unless they have been built on).
They knew it when they built Landport and didn't go onto the flood plain there. And the end of "new" Malling stops before the flood plain. As ACT says, building up one defence will just put pressure on other areas (perhaps Spences Lane, but perhaps further down stream to Morris Road and Cliffe area). We will find out when there is a high tide and lots of rain.

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