On 21 Nov 2017 at 12:55pm Itchy Pete wrote:
Dog owners of Lewes. I'm interested to know how many of you are currently having problems with fleas? We've been battling an ongoing flea problem on and off for a good 18 months now, often thinking we're on top of it, only to fall victim of the little blighters again and again. Our vet tells me there is a big problem within the area and I'm intrigued to know if others out there are having the same issues and know of any better ways to combat the problem other than nuking your home with toxic pesticides ? We obviously use flea treatment on the dog [advocate] but we're now acutely aware that it has little or no effect.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 1:09pm Deja Vu wrote:
Having the same issue with our cats, again the vet told us "the area has a problem" (I don't get this, are they suggesting fleas breed more in Lewes than other areas?).
Just use the powder on any carpets regularly and try a different brand of drops too maybe (I stopped buying the overpriced rubbish from the vet and bought some cheap stuff from Ocado which although just as useless did deal with most of them), that and regular flea combing. We've managed to get it down to 1 or 2 fleas when we comb now.
I blame the EU, high powered vacuum cleaners did a lot better job of getting the eggs out of a carpet.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 1:16pm Brexit? wrote:
Blaming the EU for not providing regular flea treatment for your pet. Heard it all now.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 1:31pm cat man wrote:
The vets should not, and i doubt they are, be telling you its a local problem. It has just been a very successful season for fleas in general -nationwide. Do you think they are getting the bus in as they heard its better here? keep on top of it and don't by cheap hoovers and you will be fine.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 2:21pm Deja Vu wrote:
@Cat man, I couldn't agree more, I was astounded to hear the advice "big problem within the area", I found it highly doubtful, I was expecting "well it was a long summer" or similar.
And @Brexit, there is a limit to how many treatments can be applied without poisoning the animal, so thanks for the advice but I do provide sufficient flea treatment, you obviously missed the poinjt of the thread that this year those treatments are not working.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 2:42pm Horseman7 wrote:
Dreadful up here in Old Malling Way. I have a small dog and 2 cats. The latter spend a lot of time hunting on the old railway embankment, so however much I nuke the felines, the terrier and the house, fresh supplies are imported daily. Interestingly the dog (male) and tom cat suffer dreadfully whereas the fluffy girl cat seems immune.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 3:29pm Rookie wrote:
My 2 cats had a flea problem 3 or 4 years ago. The vets expensive repellant was useless, as was anything with Bob Martin on it. I bought cheaply on line some 4fleas tablets, a 4fleas room fogger and a Gotcha. The Gotcha is nothing to do with Noel Edmonds.........It is simply a nice warm lamp that attracts the fleas onto a sticky surface. Worked brilliantly. Not seen a flea since and 2 contented cats.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 4:14pm Hyena wrote:
Fleas are a problem?
On 21 Nov 2017 at 4:38pm Fairmeadow wrote:
It may just be a good season for fleas, but is resistance to the common remedies becoming a problem perhaps?
As we have seen with antibiotics, evolution is remarkably effective.
On 21 Nov 2017 at 5:23pm Honky wrote:
Advocate works great for my dog I use only 2 of them a year and my dog is flea free ,, you do need to spray your whole house with R.I.P fleas ,, you can buy from vets etc ,, wonderfull stuff kills fleas for a yearand other bugs , 5% of fleas on animal 95% are in your home ,,
On 21 Nov 2017 at 5:30pm Mew wrote:
Stronghold is excellent. Buy it from your local vets. Also spray Indorex indoors, but buy this online (I've seen this at 3x the price locally). That should help solve the problem.
On 22 Nov 2017 at 11:08pm Fleabag wrote:
We've found Advocate works for less than 2 weeks before the dog is scratching and a flea is spotted, but been told by the vets that it's very effective for Lungworm which is also a problem in this area. When I've asked about alternatives for both the vets are reluctant to suggest any alternative and say "we all use Advocate on our dogs" We usually have to spray some frontline before the next Advocate is due, but really don't want to be spraying with loads of chemicals. I like the sound of the Gotcha, thanks
On 23 Nov 2017 at 2:08pm Scratcher wrote:
Hopefully a cold winter with sharp frosts will help. I give my cats and dog tablets which seem to work better that spot on type drops.