Lewes Forum thread

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On 5 Nov 2008 at 8:14pm expat wrote:
I am listening and watching Lewes Bonfire night on the internet courtesy of Rocket FM. Fantastic! Thanks so much Lewes, Spinster and all!
On 6 Nov 2008 at 9:00am lopster wrote:
As indeed it was - certainly if you were at CSBS - absolutely stunning (as always!) last night the best ever - always helps if you're with great company too (thanks guys - xxx) - Borough put on an impressive show - but started and finished while CSBS were still going - can usually see all other sites aerials from Landport too - but very little to speak of last night? November the 5th is gone...ROLL ON NOVEMBER THE 5TH - "For Independence"
On 6 Nov 2008 at 9:20pm Pearlie wrote:
I'll second all of that, Since I am as old as the hills, I've seen a lot of bonfires and a lot of fireworks here and abroad but I thought CSBS were the best, just the very best I've ever seen. In addition it was heart warming to see so many groups of people walking together and sharing good times albeit in the pouring rain. We had an amazing time....
On 6 Nov 2008 at 9:29pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Just listened to the re-run of the Rocket broadcast from last night.....
WELL DONE EXPAT for listening in and contacting Rocket FM!
On 6 Nov 2008 at 9:44pm expat wrote:
Well Done you Spinster for enlightening and illuminating me !

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