On 5 Nov 2014 at 5:58pm Karen Lindsay wrote:
I find the fact you thought this was a good idea is beyond belief, I'm most upset because we ( the Scottish ) are always being accused of hating the English which we don't it's Westminster we don't like, this is so racist against the Scots,all we wanted was to be free of being told what to do by Westminster. I am disgusted that you have thought this acceptable. It's appalling that this is allowed in this day and age.
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:04pm bobajob wrote:
I don't think you understand lewes bonfire. Few users of this forum will be on the Tableau design board of a bonfire society, and even fewer will be involved in the the society's responsible for that effigy. That said it looks like a good laugh and I hope he entertains the crowd.
Surely blaming the whole town is racist to lewesians?
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:06pm bobajob wrote:
He will be one of many effigies paraded tonight, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Sussex Express later on to get the full report on the night
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:10pm Karen wrote:
It's racism that is what it is, you should be ashamed that this has been allowed to happen.
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:14pm Andrew Reid wrote:
In Scotland, we hear frequent news of how the south-east of England is being consumed by blatant and open racism. Here is just another example, burning an effigy of someone who is the First Minister of Scotland. Shame on you, hate-filled people of Lewes.
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:15pm bobajob wrote:
I think they were probably just annoyed about the constant coverage for a referendum they could not vote on.
I did not see the SNP complaining when Cameron and Cleggy got the treatment in the past
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:19pm bobajob wrote:
In the past the President of the United States of America, the Leader of al qaeda, the prime minister of the UK, govt ministers the leader of Syria have all gotten the treatment...
This false outrage is just SNP propaganda, purpotrated by its online troll army
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:31pm karen wrote:
These previous effigy have been nasty violent poor excuses for human beings, what exactly do you have against our first minister, he only tried to get our country back to us, away from thieving Westminster I'm sure looking at the racism towards scots on here you would have been happy with that x
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:37pm Purpotrater wrote:
C U Lewesian racists - and anti Papalists too . Ye`ll get yer comeupperances
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:39pm bobajob wrote:
Ask Waterloo Bonfire Society what problem they have with him, I am not a member with them, they are all probably out enjoying themselves right now, there are several others to choose from who are most likely burning something else.
I apologise if i've offended anyone frankly most people here don't care either way about Scotland beyond having to hear about it on the news all the time during the referendum.
Just bear in mind tarring all the town with the same brush due to one lot of peoples actions is no better than someone from England making casual assertions about scots. Scotland is not a hivemind, Lewes is not a hivemind
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:42pm Ian wrote:
Oh, the poor hard done by Scots. Don't give me that tosh about the independence campaign being about Westminster. During the campaign the English as a nation were subjected to a massive amount of spiteful vitriol from the nationalists, I saw Jimmy Saville and the Rotherham and Cleveland scandals held up as evidence that all the English are paedophiles. And possibly worst of all, I saw my flag burnt. There's a saying - if you can't take it, don't dish it out! Our Aussie cousins refer to us as "the whinging poms" I can tell you, the Scots nationalists are quickly getting the same reputation. For hundreds of years the English have had to put up with abuse from our Celtic cousins, when we dare to bite back all the toys come straight out of the cot! It's pathetic! Take it on the chin as a bit of fun and get over it.
On 5 Nov 2014 at 6:43pm Hiveminder wrote:
Just what I was thinking bobanob - I could be so good for you
On 5 Nov 2014 at 7:50pm Mme B wrote:
What is a hivemind?
On 5 Nov 2014 at 9:00pm Apis Taker wrote:
Summat to do with bees
On 5 Nov 2014 at 10:28pm Off-Message wrote:
If it’s true, as reported on the BBC website, that tableaux of Alex Salmond have been removed and will not be burnt, then that’s pathetic! Whether the choice of tableaux is questionable is not the point; to remove them following a few whinges on social media is absurd. Do the Societies not have the strength of their own convictions?
On 5 Nov 2014 at 10:38pm Mutti wrote:
I'm half Scots, half English.
I doubt if the effigy was intended to represent all Scots anymore than burning Cleggs effigy represented all English, or Putin represented all Russians.
Alex Salmond is the man who tried to break up my country and although he lost the referendum, he broke it for a generation.
On 5 Nov 2014 at 10:38pm bobajob wrote:
eye, it seems like 2 salmonds and a nessie have been been withdrawn, hardly the spirit of civil disobedience... I wonder what the reaction will be tomorrow
On 5 Nov 2014 at 10:41pm bobajob wrote:
Hoots to you all, you win scotland
On 5 Nov 2014 at 10:43pm Grafter wrote:
On 5 Nov 2014 at 11:24pm Old Bloke wrote:
I hope it was brunt - would have loved to have watched it but wife ill.
Was Gordon Brown the other year.
Shame the pair of them couldn't have been done at the same time would have enjoyed that immensely.
On 6 Nov 2014 at 12:10am Nosa renda wrote:
Maybe next year we'll do wee Jimmy cranky, that'll really get the republicans of glasgow fuming.WATP
On 6 Nov 2014 at 12:27am karen wrote:
It seems somebody seen sense after all, further up this post I see somebody saying their country flag was burnt, it was proven this was an English man who had travelled to George square to cause trouble and upset. Not a Scot, as for you having to put up with the coverage of the referendum you got more than we did as the bbc did nothing to cover the pro independence campaign, just in case it put forward the fact we would have been better off , why because Westminster would have missed out on all the revenue Scotland has to offer, Anyway thanks to somebody showing common sense Alex Salmond and Bessie have been saved x
On 6 Nov 2014 at 2:16am rob roy wrote:
Boo hoo, you jocks dont get it, we dont hate you, we hate everyone in equal measure. Level headed, pa, you lot, a chip on both shoulders!
On 6 Nov 2014 at 8:04am Stuff n nonsense wrote:
Oh the shame of having a sense of humour in today's PC world, do some research & see it for what it was. It's political comment & meant as humour, nothing more. To label it as racism is tragic, what is serious & should be discussed is why Sussex Police have wasted more valuable time & resources investigating it! You can guarantee they'll be twice the visitors next year, best bit of publicity any bonfire society could've generated. All those with a sense of humour will be welcomed to our lovely little diverse & tolerant town, it is a fantastic event enjoyed by the masses & will never be spoiled by the few
On 6 Nov 2014 at 8:15am Ian wrote:
Ha ha, so the English were travelling to Scotland to burn the Union Flag during the Independence debate Karen? At the below link you can see one of said Englishmen in traditional English attire burning our flag. The words Pot, kettle and Black spring to mind. Now this IS shameful behaviour! Many Scots have died fighting under those colours. This shows what a small minded bunch of bigots the Nationalists are. Last night the Bonfire Boyes and Belles were poking fun at an individual (not a race) through there own inimitable form of sattire, burning our flag however? Now that IS RACISM! So get off your moral high horse and go sort your own backyard out before criticising others.
Check it out here »
On 6 Nov 2014 at 8:41am Ian wrote:
Bugger, that should be their, not there - damned auto correct!
On 6 Nov 2014 at 11:42am jock lover wrote:
Not in Waterloo so can't speak for them but a tab like this is usually meant to show your dislike for the individual and his behaviour. Not the entire country. We love you Scotland x
On 6 Nov 2014 at 1:59pm Ian wrote:
jock lover nails it! Unfortunately, many can't see through the red mist of PC hysteria that has descended.