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dry winter?

On 23 Feb 2014 at 7:53pm Knoxon Cutts wrote:
I couldn't help but notice in the press today that the Meteorological Office predicted a dry winter this year! I wonder how many of the 97% of climate scientists, who we know for their god-like infallibility, work for them?
On 24 Feb 2014 at 1:39pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Ok, I think we all get it now that you don't believe in climate change and that's your perogative. A lot of people used to believe the world was flat, change is a difficult thing to accept.

What I don't get is why it upsets you so much that the majority of other people do believe in climate change. Even if the hugely variable weather systems we have now (Which make long-term forecasting that much harder) are simply a freak occurance and part of a natural warming and cooling cycle of the planet, the fact remains that fossil fuels are a finite and rapidy dwindling resource. If we as a race decide to carry on relying on oil and coal and gas for power, a time will come and sooner rather than later, that it all runs out, leading to wars and and shortages.

Now I don't knwo how old you are and you might be gambling on the stuff all running out after you die which is a rather selfish opinion, especially if you have kids but that's the chance you're taking. If you don't think we should move away from using oil and gas for power though then you have entirely no right to complain when energy compaines put their prices up and when we go to war with Arab states to try and grab their oil.

Climate change denier or not, being anti-renewable energy is just being obstinate for the sake of it, unless you're a major shareholder in an oil firm or something like that in which case you're probably rich enough to not care either way.
On 24 Feb 2014 at 4:42pm Southover Queen wrote:
Yeah, good luck with that, Ed. I've been round the track with KC on this so many times that even I've got bored. The trouble with conspiracy theorists is that they have an explanation for absolutely all their nonsense, including why it's not a good idea to husband our finite resources.

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