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crossing in town

On 3 Jul 2015 at 3:36pm mmil hater wrote:
I don't expect you will read this, but this is to the C U Next Tuedsay on a bike, dressed in lyca, that in order to maintain his internet speed competition with his biking mates, thinks he does not have to stop at a red light and so nealy ran me and two Priory school girls down on the crossing just now-shouting F off at us because we were had just stepped into the road. No wonder people put tacks in the road on cycle paths. I hope you go over the handle bars you cad.
On 3 Jul 2015 at 4:12pm Pedestrian wrote:
I used to work on the edge of the City in London and had to cross Bishopsgate outside Liverpool Street station. Many of the cyclists took no notice of the traffic light controlled crossing and it was quite terrifying. Mostly young men and often in Lycra. Clearly the rules don't apply to them.
On 3 Jul 2015 at 4:30pm Spokeydokey wrote:
Why can't we all just look out for each other a bit more? Whether in a car, on a bike, or as a pedestrian we need to take care of each other. It does annoy me when cyclists go through red lights though. Swearing at each other definitely doesn't help. No tacks in the cycle lane please!
On 3 Jul 2015 at 5:43pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I wonder if it was the same Lycra lout who was riding his cycle along the narrow pavement by the road works on the railway bridge on Wednesday at about 5.30?
I had 2 heavy bags, and he rode straight into one of them, then had the audacity to call me a rude word.
He obviously didn't think the diversion should apply to bikes.
On 3 Jul 2015 at 6:53pm Convenient wrote:
They deserve our sympathy , anyone who thinks being out in public in lycra must have issues . I drive in and out of Lewes every day and at least 4 or 5 times a week one of those idiots rides through a red light at either the prison or the bottleneck . I can only presume the tightness of the Lycra around their underdeveloped private parts and their chicken legs makes them angrier and more ignorant than necessary .
On 3 Jul 2015 at 10:18pm Rookie wrote:
Every weekday morning at about 5.55am there is a numpty who goes through the bottleneck and never stops on red. I think he gets the 6.05 train. A few times I have alerted him to his error but he must be deaf. Or stupid. Or maybe both.
On 3 Jul 2015 at 11:25pm Tobnac wrote:
I don't get it. What exactly is the problem with cyclists going through the bottleneck on a red light? Even at the narrowest point the road is easily wide enough to accommodate a cyclist and a driver. Surely the lights we're put in to stop two cars meeting head on, no?
On 4 Jul 2015 at 5:46am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
The problem is that one day someone will come out of Westgate Street when the lights there are green and end up with a cyclist in their offside door.
On 4 Jul 2015 at 8:11am The Enforcer wrote:
One day I'm going to get myself an old Volvo or Saab and drive around Sussex enforcing the Highway Code and Rights of Way on roundabouts etc. Like Banger Racing - I'll have a dash cam or two so the tossers who get hit or hit me won't have a leg to stand on. The latest Nobend thing I have noticed once or twice is stopping on a main road to let a car out of a side road over the give way marks - not in a queue of traffic but @ 40+ MPH !!! First time I couldn't believe it, second time I saw a Landrover nearly run into the car.
On 4 Jul 2015 at 10:16am Badger Ketchup wrote:
Tobnac, apart from anything else, there is a species called PEDESTRIANS who use the traffic lights to interpret when they can cross roads SAFELY. I have been run into by a cyclist when crossing the road before. Fortunately no injuries but I wasn't best pleased, just as I'm sure cyclists get fed up with random pedestrians who don't use roads safely and step out into traffic without looking, but a cyclist at speed can do a lot of harm toa pedestrian and to themselves!
On 4 Jul 2015 at 8:37pm Big Bill wrote:
Im gonna find out who this twit is and have a word with him.
On 6 Jul 2015 at 9:07am Spokeydokey wrote:
to be fair, once I came out from westgate on my bike after waiting for the green light and a car jumped the lights coming up the highstreet and nearly hit me. Everyone makes mistakes.
On 6 Jul 2015 at 10:25am My point wrote:
Re last post , that's my point , we all make mistakes and accept all road users do , But push bike riders do these things deliberately and more often than not get abusive if questioned ,
On 6 Jul 2015 at 1:00pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Yes, when I want to learn new swear words I go and walk in the woods between the chalk pit and Offham until I encounter a cyclist. Then I point out that they're not on a bridleway and should dismount and push their bikes.
That always broadens my vocabulary no end.
On 6 Jul 2015 at 1:28pm Taff wrote:
Carry a spray can of hi viz paint and spray the offenders. Its probably assault but you could argue the police dont bother following up cyclist incidents and you could just say it is a cyclist incident. Isnt it?
On 6 Jul 2015 at 1:43pm A Person wrote:
My dog chases cyclists. I really really wish she didn't, and I have been trying all kinds of things to stop her doing it. So I keep her firmly on the lead except in open parks.

The other day we were by the Priory ruins when a bike came along the footpath. Predictably enough she chased it. He stopped and swore a lot at me and my friends; I was apologising and trying to grab her, but since he cycled on before I managed to do so she (predictably enough) chased him again. This time he bellowed a lot of swearwords at me, and one of my companions responded.

I don't particularly mind about cyclists riding through the park, but they should be prepared to encounter dogs and children running free. Presumably he was riding through the park because he doesn't want to share the road with bad-tempered traffic. Well, do you know what? I don't want to share the park with bad-tempered cyclists...
On 6 Jul 2015 at 3:13pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Thankfully, both the current and previous dogs have not been interested bicycles. Previous dog was actually scared of them, after a cyclist propped his bike up against a shop window and it fell down on him while he was outside.
Current dog used to be wicked to joggers. she wouldn't chase them, but would run alongside them for a while then do a sharp left and cross right in front of them, as though she was trying to trip them over.
She's far too dignified to chase anything apart from proper edible stuff (rabbit, sheep, deer, ducks and poultry) now, or go in for a spot of vermin control.
Needless to say, she's on a lead anywhere where there's a sheep a duck or a chicken in sight.
On 6 Jul 2015 at 3:32pm A Person wrote:
Mine chases joggers (particularly male ones in lycra: I think they probably smell irresistible), bicycles and horses. Or rather she runs up to horses and jumps around in front of them: only horses with riders on, as it happens. Horses in their natural state don't evoke anything like the same reaction. She doesn't actually do anything to the objects of her chases, beyond bouncing around and barking a lot.

It's both a pain and very dangerous. It means I've more or less given up going on some of the bridleway walks because we are bound to encounter plenty of every variety and I spend most of the walk watching for distant signs of anything which would set her off.

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