Lewes Forum thread

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On 13 Sep 2015 at 3:46pm pierre wrote:
We are interested in moving around the Malling area (spences lane) in Lewes. While checking the surroundings, we have realised that there used to be 1 or 2 landfills in this area (which were decommissioned during the 70's).
Would anyone have any ideas about:
- What was dumped there (hazardous materials/substances).
- What was, and is done, by the council to insure the security of the place.
- Whether there are know health implications.
- Who should we contact to receive more advises (in the council or from local associations)
On 13 Sep 2015 at 9:33pm Inthknow wrote:
You need to ring the waste team at East Sussex Coubty Council for more info! The rubbish dump (or now as they call it recycling centre) was the community centre/hall end of Spences Lane where they have built flats now
On 13 Sep 2015 at 11:24pm Belladonna wrote:
This sort of thing normally comes up in land searches. Maybe check the planning office of LDC and the public records office

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Thomas Paine