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cheating Borough

On 22 Jul 2015 at 3:19pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
I agree that Borough didn't enter into the raft race in right manner and maybe others felt they should've made their raft from scratch, but they didn't and if there were no rules then they didn't bend or brake any rules.
I for one have been in bonfire many many years and I go back to days when there was "friendly banter" within the societies but also respect as well
Perhaps we should get back to them days and enjoy times we spend with the other societies not just slate them. After all we are all in bonfire for fun and Lewes is known for many societies not just one or two big ones.
Newel Fisher if you have a problem with one particular society then take it up with them, this forum is NOT for airing your dirty laundry against the society but general chit chat and if you can't do that then you should ask yourself are you too bitter and twisted to even be in bonfire?
Bonfire should be fun and enjoyable for everyone, it should have friendly banter not personal remarks.
Think on Newel Fisher think on as I see it you're already on your third society maybe ask yourself if it's you with the problem
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:05pm Newell Fisher wrote:
You really have to admire these brave keyboard warriors who use the fact that someone posts in their own name to make a discussion personal, while themselves hiding behind the safety of anonymity.
My past is an open book. As is my current attitude towards that past. And it will become even more open at this rate. Well bits of it. Think on.
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:11pm Newell Fisher wrote:
By the way.....keep up. I'm on my fourth society
I was in one for 20 years (1986 and 1994-2014) from which I resigned.
One for one year (2011) from which I resigned.
Another one for one year (2012) which I was thrown out of.
I joined my current one last year. Best move I ever made
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:17pm my town wrote:
lets all look forward to next year Raft race great turn out
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:19pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
My point exactly why do you have to resign? I rather think it's you with the problem not the other three societies, maybe you should find another past-time that isn't a team game
Maybe train or plane spotting could be good for you, you can't fall out with trains or planes although knowing your history maybe they couldn't be ruled out
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:24pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Why do I have to resign you ask?
Okay, I'm game. In one case it was because I had an affair with another member that resulted in my marriage breaking down. And I also moved away from where that society was based as a result.
The other one was as a result of a local publican assaulting my new wife at an out meeting. As well as the attitude of that society to this.
Anything else?
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:28pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
There you go airing your dirty laundry, if this is the case you should take it up with the committee of the society NOT paste it over social media, you can use your name on here but not approach your issues with the committee of the society
Put up or shut up
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:35pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Your last message makes no sense. This is usually indicative of someone who doesn't know what to say but says it anyway
For evidence I offer this incoherent gem:
" you can use your name on here but not approach your issues with the committee of the society"
YOU asked me a question. I answered it. Sorry if you didn't anticipate that.
As for what I do about issues, it is entirely up to me if I take it up with committee, or resign or post it on social media.
I'm rather disappointed you didn't ask about why I was thrown out of one society, by the way. That would involve delving into my mental-health history. Or would that be too near the bone for someone like yourself?
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:49pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
If you were thrown out of a society then either you done something wrong or was accused of doing something wrong. In my experience of people doing things wrong you get asked to a meeting to explain your side of events and given fair hearing. Again I say you should take it up with the society committee not air it all on social media
It seems it's you with the problems not three bonfire societies
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:56pm Made up name to hide my id wrote:
Isn't there a rule about thrown out of one Lewes society you're thrown out of all Lewes societies?
On 22 Jul 2015 at 5:58pm Newell Fisher wrote:
We were invited to a meeting and declined the opportunity. Had we done something serious enough to merit being thrown out? Not really. However, as with so may things Bonfire, its not so much how you annoy as WHO you annoy.
You do have a bit of a comprehension problem don't you? I outlined above the basic circumstances surrounding ny resigning from two societies. From what I said it is fairly clear that in one case it was, indeed, me with the problems and the other it was not.
Is honesty something new for you?
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:00pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Made up name:
It depends what you have done. We received a three year suspension of membership. This does not result in a blanket ban.
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:01pm Guy wrote:
This really is gripping stuff...keep it coming!!!
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:03pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Just a reminder that all this has resulted from my making a passing jibe about one bonfire society in my own name. Amazing really.
Mind you.....its also amazing how easily violence does not result in a member being thrown out if they are too useful.
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:04pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Thank you Guy I'm thinking of serialising it in the Guardian...
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:07pm Guy wrote:
Hats off to you Newell youre actually showing bigger bollock$ than most on here...plus you're keeping me entertained on my commute home...priceless!
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:09pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
I rather suspect you declining the offer to appear at the meeting and refusing didn't help your cause
The meeting would've given you the time to give you you version of events so the committee could come to a satisfactory conclusion
So my thoughts are you were given the chance and declined to attend so you can't now air it over social media now making out you a hard done by
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:11pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Guy: My pleasure Having been an anonymous keyboard warrior in the past, I find myself increasingly contemptuous of them.
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:11pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
Your last message sums up what you done wrong so there for this discussion is closed on my part
You had your chance with the society committee which ever society it was you chose not to attend your loss
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:15pm Newell Fisher wrote:
I rather suspect that you are now just stating the bleeding obvious because you can't think of anything else to say
At the time we were in a bad place in our lives and certainly not in the mood to go to any such meeting. This was also part of the problem. We are no longer in that place and no longer care. The past is the past.
But I can air it, and my view of it, wherever and whenever I please. If you are looking for a job as my moral arbiter, you need to think again LOL.
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:17pm Newell Fisher wrote:
As I used to say in my keyboard warrior days:
lol etc.
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:23pm Traditional bonfire boy wrote:
No I don't want a job as a arbiter I just don't like seeing Lewes bonfire being bought into disrepute, just because you've had issues with certain societies doesn't mean societies are bad
If you're over it I'm pleased for you but clearly by airing dirty washing on here you clearly
Like I said you had your chance, if you couldn't face the meeting a letter or e-mail would have help your cause but I'm guessing you declined that too
Wish you happiness in your new society
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:29pm Rolland eeeeeeeee wrote:
Rats and sinking ship BBS , not on this occasion , is that a canoe in your pocket or you just pleased to see me
On 22 Jul 2015 at 6:37pm Newell Fisher wrote:
Hold on, I thought you said you were done?
Can I suggest the following ammendments to your post?
"No I don't want a job as AN arbiter; I just don't like seeing Lewes bonfire being bought into disrepute. Just because you've had issues with certain societies doesn't mean societies are bad.
If you're over it I'm pleased for you, but clearly by airing dirty washing on here you (AREN'T?).
Like I said, you had your chance. If you couldn't face the meeting a letter or e-mail would have help your cause, but I'm guessing you declined that too.
Wish you happiness in your new society."
The simple fact is, Traditional, that it was you, and another couple of cowards, who decided to make this personal in reponse to a simple jibe on my part. This kind of behaviour serves only to encourage others to hide behind anonymity on forums like this, for fear of exposing themselves to personal attacks. And that, as well as posters like you, is why the Lewes Forum has such an apalling reputation for vicious unpleasantness.
Above, you said:
"I for one have been in bonfire many many years and I go back to days when there was "friendly banter" within the societies but also respect as well Perhaps we should get back to them days and enjoy times we spend with the other societies not just slate them."
" I just don't like seeing Lewes bonfire being bought into disrepute"
How exactly, with a posting name like yours, does your behaviour here help in this cause?

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