On 6 Jan 2009 at 1:16pm sadly cross wrote:
Getting off the train last night and walking up the road there was a little group of chavtastic teenagers sitting on the pavement making train users walk into the busy single lane road (and there was alot of traffic on that road last night). When my other half angrily walked through the middle of them, one chavtastic girl shouted abuse.
What can be done about these disrespectful children and why do I get so angry with them?
On 6 Jan 2009 at 1:37pm Badly cross wrote:
Only direct action works: get in a group and go through them like a knife through butter. If any of them complain, slap them. They'll understand.
On 6 Jan 2009 at 3:31pm FA wrote:
He should've turned round and booted her in the face.....happy days
On 6 Jan 2009 at 5:07pm Lewes Weaver wrote:
Why did he walk "angrily" through them? Can't help feeling the disrespect goes both ways.
On 6 Jan 2009 at 6:48pm Bitty wrote:
I'd've tried "excuse me please"
On 6 Jan 2009 at 7:16pm Kind Dog wrote:
could lease me and I will bare my teeth and snarl at them for you - it would only be an act 'cos I am a Kind Dog - but they won't know that
On 6 Jan 2009 at 7:30pm Mean Dog wrote:
I'm with the chav kids and I bite.
On 6 Jan 2009 at 7:47pm Kind Dog wrote:
I am a very LARGE dog... very Kind, patient and caring but - nevertheless VERY large
On 6 Jan 2009 at 8:14pm Sam Spam wrote:
You (and I) get angry because they are so inconsiderate (unlike you) and there seems to be no excuse for their actions. It's a bit like when you see kids dropping litter when they could use a bin and keep the town nice. Shame but, there says, kids seem to rule the earth!
On 6 Jan 2009 at 8:36pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Bloody peskie kids!
On 6 Jan 2009 at 8:49pm Lewes Weaver wrote:
Or indeed prejudiced, judgmental adults. Depends on which part of the pavement you're sitting.
On 6 Jan 2009 at 9:37pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Should not sit on the pavement...you will get dirty trousers.
On 6 Jan 2009 at 9:48pm Pearlie wrote:
Thing about peskie kids is this. They are too damn excited, fuelled by gossip, hormones, etcs to notice you at all. They really are thinking about how to get into someone elses knickers most of the time. They will get over it. It really isn't personal at all. Of course sometimes they are a little arrogant too and this is down to social inexperience and your usual teen cockiness, which is just social inexperience. They don't really mean to be rude at all, although they frequently are. I find a very loud, friendly 'scuse me' does work. I should know, I'm a teacher and get abused for a living. But I often see the other side of things, which is aggressive, uncalled for behaviour from adults who should know better.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 5:37pm Enoch wrote:
Its not just kids - ever tried to walk on the pavement past the Lansdown, or any other pub without a garden, on a summers evening - they are adults and compeletely oblivious to pedestrians trying to pass. The only thing to do is walk in the road or barge through them - after saying excuse me several times you get a little bored of listening to yourself.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 6:09pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Hedwig do you mind not swearing. We have all lowered out standards. How can we preach when we are beginning to behave like those we crititise.
Swearing is not big or clever. Grow up.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 6:19pm Hedwig wrote:
"Swearing is not big or clever. Grow up."
Thanks for pointing that out in that nice little condescending way. Just to clarify, I'm an adult and I can use a swear word on a public forum message board if I want to. There's been plenty of other posts here I've seen with foul language worse then mine.
And don't accuse me of having double standards, I would never swear in front of youngsters or in public because I know how rude. and inconsiderate it is. Once again...slowly...this-is-a-public-message-board. On the I-n-t-e-r-n-e-t. See how that works?
On 7 Jan 2009 at 6:41pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Dear Hedgehog
You say"I would never swear in front of youngsters or in public". Note the word public. Later you say "this-is-a-public-message-board". Note again the word public. So you indeed have double standards; swearing in public bad, swearing on a PUBLIC forum OK. Swearing is so 2008.
Personally I find swearing on a public forum rude and inconsiderate as it is in a public space. Try to be more creative in your writing and less use of the condescending dashes, only makes you look foolish.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 6:43pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
To be fair Hedwig, you must agree that this "public message board" is accessed by the public (including children).
I'm not against all swearing, but (maybe incorrectly) I consider some swearing acceptable (bloody) and others not (F and C words). What I do find disconcerting is agressive attitudes suggesting we should be balshy to grouos of pesky kids and thus entice confrontation. I don't choose to live that dangerously!!!!
On 7 Jan 2009 at 6:55pm Hedwig wrote:
"To be fair Hedwig, you must agree that this "public message board" is accessed by the public (including children)."
Yep totally but if they're surfing the web they're not going to be that young and impressionable, like toddlers for example (although you never know these days) and even if they are then seeing me writing the modified "F" word is not exactly going to be any worse then anything they will hear on the TV etc or God forbid their so-called parents.
"I'm not against all swearing, but (maybe incorrectly) I consider some swearing acceptable (bloody) and others not (F and C words)."
There are some words a lot worse then others I agree, and I apologise for causing any offence through my use of the F word. I didn't think it was a problem as I've already said I have seen lots of posters on here use foul language already and I was feeling extremely naffed off when I wrote it. See, I said "naffed off," instead of...never mind. Lol.
"What I do find disconcerting is agressive attitudes suggesting we should be balshy to grouos of pesky kids and thus entice confrontation. I don't choose to live that dangerously!!!!"
Agree with you 100% and I usually try to be polite and non-confrontational with people. Those kids were asking for it though. Little buggers. Peace out.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 7:06pm Hedwig wrote:
"You say"I would never swear in front of youngsters or in public". Note the word public. Later you say "this-is-a-public-message-board". Note again the word public. So you indeed have double standards; swearing in public bad, swearing on a PUBLIC forum OK."
Incorrect. "In public" refers to being outside in the company of other people, strangers, children..etc. A "public forum" is on the Internet, the privacy of your own home. You can access it only if you choose to, knowing that there might be foul language on it. Most people understand the difference.
"Swearing is so 2008."
Er..no I think you'll find people will swear just as much in 2009 in 2008.
"Personally I find swearing on a public forum rude and inconsiderate as it is in a public space."
See above.
"Try to be more creative in your writing and less use of the condescending dashes, only makes you look foolish."
Telling someone to "grow up" just because they use a word you dislike is just as condescending and makes you look foolish.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 7:10pm Stargazer wrote:
What;s the big deal with someone saying the F word? Theres been worse stuff on here, ITS A FREE COUNTRY!!
On 7 Jan 2009 at 7:30pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Sadly swearing has lost its value by being over used. For the most part it is a free country and I too can say what I like on this public forum. However swearing is often childish, pointless, rude, inconsiderate. So why not dare to be different and use better language. If swearing was OK on this and other fora why did you use a "&" instead of a U? Spinster's comment is absolutely correct, would be interested in your feedback on it.
Anyway Headwig !£$^&**&^%$"""$%^&* off.
On 7 Jan 2009 at 10:23pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
I really think it's a bit prissy to object to a word that you can read in quality newspapers, hear on tv after 9, is in most movies and about which Radio 4 devoted a whole programme and happliy broadcast in the day time.
Anyone who really minds it must be perpetually offended. And as for children, they seem to swear more with each generation. I'm sure no kids old enough to read will have learned that word already.
On 8 Jan 2009 at 9:09am Mystic Mog wrote:
It is not that I am being prissy, just very bored with swearing. It has lost its value and become merely a poor means of communication. Stand-up comics use swearing to such a degree that the comic effect of swearing has been lost. I agree that it is everywhere but that does not make that a good thing. In this society where there are more guns and knives does that make them more acceptable? Discuss
On 8 Jan 2009 at 3:43pm bobby bobberton wrote:
On 8 Jan 2009 at 3:56pm mind hole wrote:
swearing arrouses me..............tits.........
On 8 Jan 2009 at 4:13pm Mystic Mog wrote:
Thats better.