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On 25 Apr 2008 at 10:46pm kitty cat wrote:
Hello. This is my first go at this. Does anybody out there in our lovely town know anything about the Compass Group ? Especially the catering side of their business. I would be interested to know. Thank you
On 25 Apr 2008 at 11:42pm Mrs Septic. wrote:
Do a Google search,it's all there.
Do you work for them? I'm interested to know.
Thank you.
On 26 Apr 2008 at 8:08am Mrs Septic wrote:
Sorry about that last post Kitty,I had just got back from the pub.If this isn't promoting some kind of business I take it back.It does happen on here sometimes.I did look on Google and Compass group is there,but I didn't see a link to Lewes though.Have another look.
On 26 Apr 2008 at 5:20pm kitty cat wrote:
Thanks Mrs Septic thats really helpful. Hope you had a brilliant night in the pub and the hangover wasnt too bad, and yes I do work for them at the moment x
On 26 Apr 2008 at 8:34pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
If you're going to advertise, at least be open about it. Tackiness will now be associated with Compass Group - well done!
On 26 Apr 2008 at 11:47pm hello wrote:
What do you mean
On 27 Apr 2008 at 9:40am kevin seymour wrote:
Compass is an International Catering firm providing Catering in all kinds of environments from School canteens to Bespoke dining. One arm of its operation is Select Service Partner and that operates chains like Upper Crust and Ritazza Coffee at stations. The Company got itself into some trouble in America with some sort of fraud allegations where I believe they were obtaining contracts through backhanders but I'm not certain of the details. They pay the majority of their staff Minimum wage and the standards of food vary greatly between outlets. I rue the day that Lewes Station loses it's wonderful and wacky Independent Cafe, Never allow Compass Group or Select service Partner get their hands on it, also I do believe that the catering at Glyndebourne is on the whole provided by Compass or it's subsidaries.
On 27 Apr 2008 at 3:17pm Mark wrote:
Lewes station catering is real crap.Any change would be welcome.
On 27 Apr 2008 at 4:20pm Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Is Compass associated with MacDonalds as they seem to have a lot in common?
On 27 Apr 2008 at 9:34pm big t wrote:
spinster,i agree with you i have a friend who works for them(compass)since they took over the school contracts in sussex everything has gone tits up,food,wages,and most of all the will to work.They have had loads of staff walk out and i belive they will loose a few more. As i am delivering to a lot of schools in the east sussex area i have very good inside info of what this bunch of twits are doing
On 28 Apr 2008 at 9:20pm lopster wrote:
oh Mark - what would we give for a "stale crusty baguette with no filling".inc stall at Lewes - Kerber Bin? or pumpkin/Lemon tree - £2-00 coffee and £1-00 for a packet of crisps -and yesterday's bread with no scrape- p'ah! - Vic's (and indeed the graet man 'imself) is a great asset for Lewes, great atmosphere, clean, wonderful breakfast sarnies, humor, and classical music - used to do a wonderful lunch too (not been around during the day in recent years though to know if this isstill the case?)

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