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barcombe wood pile

On 5 May 2015 at 6:44pm woody wrote:
There is a massive amount of wood stacked opposite the Keepers cottage on Anchor Lane in Barcombe. Does anyone know who owns this ? I would be interested in buying some. Thanks
On 5 May 2015 at 7:54pm Chris Roberts wrote:
I don't know who it belongs to but I've seen it on many occasion when I've been up that way forraging. Nice bits of wood aswell I probably have the same thoughts as you wood to make raised beds even thought about it to make a new surface to put my decks a mixer on.
It all seems to have been there for ages..
Chris Roberts
On 5 May 2015 at 7:55pm Chris Roberts wrote:
I don't know who it belongs to but I've seen it on many occasion when I've been up that way forraging. Nice bits of wood aswell I probably have the same thoughts as you wood to make raised beds even thought about it to make a new surface to put my decks a mixer on.
It all seems to have been there for ages..
Chris Roberts
On 5 May 2015 at 8:57pm kev wrote:
I spoke to the people in the cottage about it sometime last year, it belongs to a chap who lives Brighton way. they did provide me with a phone No. but rang on many occasions, even left massages but never got a response. I wanted a bit to make a rustic mantle. seems such a waste.
On 6 May 2015 at 11:22am Woody wrote:
Any chance you could post the number Kev ? It seems such a waste, some of it is now fallen into the ditches and some is rotting away.
On 6 May 2015 at 5:27pm kev wrote:
I'm very sorry but I haven't got the No anymore. But the people opposite may still have it. maybe the stuff in the ditches needs "clearing" by a community spirited person. after all if its left in the ditches it could cause flooding!. wink wink
On 6 May 2015 at 9:37pm Woody wrote:
True that. Next time we are there I'll knock on the cottage door /post a note
On 7 May 2015 at 12:45pm Zzz.. wrote:
The unholy rubbish and wood mess on the railway line above Barcombe's Anchor Inn and opposite Keeps Cottage is owned by one of the most unlikable men you are ever going to meet. He uses a number of names, one of them being Paul Lewis (another is Paul Silver). If you want to contact him he runs the shop called Silver in St James Street, Brighton. See the link for reviews and address.

Mr Lewis has used the railway line as a rubbish dump. Much of the rubbish, including many large sheets of celotex insulation have blown across the countryside, some landing in the Ouse behind the Anchor. Paul Lewis refuses to clear it up.

if I was you I'd nick any of the wood you want. Lewis and his sidekick Colin Donoley only visit the place infrequently, and never in the evenings. I don't think you'll find that the residents of Keepers Cottage (now renamed to Anchor Place) will shop you. And there is no love lost between Simon Thomas at the Anchor Inn and the horrible Paul Lewis either.

Check it out here »
On 7 May 2015 at 5:17pm John Silver wrote:
Ee want the Black Spot upon 'im ee do
On 26 Jul 2016 at 4:08pm jmb wrote:
So pleased I came across this forum. We came across this area again just a few weeks ago and 90% of the wood has gone or its rotting away. We called that Paul guy and he said he has security cameras around. Its a real mess of an area, such a shame. I cannot think he owns the land. but I like your idea about visiting in the evenings - we found 2 very nice pieces that we wanted to buy of him but never seem to be able to get in touch now. I would love the land and make it all nice and tidy.

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