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any sightings of alfie?

On 29 Apr 2012 at 6:06pm simone turner wrote:
my dog alfie colliexspringer spaniel is still missing, was spotted in the neville area weds/thurs...he is black with white paws and front , he has spaniel ears and quite long fur? a postman tried to catch him near shops on neville did any one see him, where did he go? only if u love your pet can you know how this feels no clever remarks please as not up for it at the moment..many thanks
On 29 Apr 2012 at 6:17pm padster wrote:
i saw the poster so i know what to look for , the poster on walleys bridge near malling, i take my doggie out everyday so will keep my eyes peeled, if i see him i will grab him ....goodluck there are many good people out there who will look. Be hopeful and you will get him back,best of luck.
On 29 Apr 2012 at 9:01pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
Really hope you have some good news soon. I'll keep my eyes peeled, and make sure my neighbours know about him too.
On 30 Apr 2012 at 7:01am drone wrote:
Good luck. Keep checking in with the LDC Animal Warden
On 30 Apr 2012 at 8:13am myself wrote:
I'm over the downs behind Neville most days, I've got my eyes peeled and a spare lead in tow and so has my mate. Hopefully he'll be found
On 30 Apr 2012 at 2:36pm Trish wrote:
Simone my heart goes out to you i know how heartbreaking it is to be searching for a lost pet and when my cat went missing how hurtful and upsetting it is for stupid remarks here on the forum because that happened to me...it really upset me that ppl found my torment funny...but we had a happy ending..i was even more worried as was over bonfire in Lewes on the 5th she was missing.
The good news was that after 3 weeks we were reunited with her as someone took her to the Cliffe vets in Lewes after she followed them home, so plz keep remind ppl to look out for him and just a thought but have you contacted the Sussex Express as might be worth putting an appeal in the paper, just an idea !!
On 30 Apr 2012 at 7:53pm simone turner wrote:
thank you all, good idea with sussex express will do that. had an hours worth of happiness when a dog warden from eastbourne said they had a collie x but allas was not him. i have never seen a dog like him so if u see him with somelse still contact me (apart from Tinker with dogstop) thanks again
On 30 Apr 2012 at 8:27pm thedogstop wrote:
Hi Simone, thanks for excluding our Tinker would not be funny to be stopped cause they are so alike!!
A lady who has worked in rescue centres has made a list of contacts to try....
Local police liaison officer/ local communty support officer
bus depots, taxi drivers, supermarket delivery drivers
also travellers site.
Would you like a list of rescue centres, I know you have done the big ones but what about the smaller ones?
Simone call if you need any help with anything.
So please to see Alfie listed on some of the web sites for missing dogs, I do so hope this all helps.
On 30 Apr 2012 at 8:30pm thedogstop wrote:
With the listing live on Doglost you might find that local radio less and greater stations might be kind enough to do a shout out for you, also local tv news.
On 30 Apr 2012 at 11:08pm Local wrote:
Is he chipped? Wearing a tag with your phone number? Both will help get him reunited with you...
On 1 May 2012 at 3:57pm thedogstop wrote:
Alfie is now listed on doglost.co.uk please click the link for an extra image and printable poster. Every little helps and if someone has made up their mind to keep him we can make him to hot to handle!
Thank you

Check it out here »
On 1 May 2012 at 3:59pm thedogstop wrote:
Simone... The New Priory Vets cover a very large area as out of hours cover it may be worth giving them a call
The Deneway Brighton BN1 8QR
0871 978 3604
On 2 May 2012 at 8:07am Irate Pirate wrote:
Link doesn't work?
On 2 May 2012 at 8:47am Thruppence wrote:
Try this

Check it out here »
On 2 May 2012 at 8:48am Thruppence wrote:
Not sure why link is not working
On 4 May 2012 at 11:54pm Bling Mare wrote:
This is terrible, nearly 2 weeks and no news. Feel really sad for Alfie and his owner.

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