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another one bited the dust

On 11 Sep 2008 at 4:27pm I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Another victim of that very nice man Clr Matthew Locke.
Bye Bye Seymours.
On 11 Sep 2008 at 4:56pm lopster wrote:
what? tell me more - was going in there to buy a 13Amp cartridge fuse with my Lewes Pound (most other things more thn a quid)
On 11 Sep 2008 at 6:06pm Jester Thomson wrote:
pls tell me how Clr Locke has done this?......I would like to know for professional reasons. Thanks
On 12 Sep 2008 at 9:11am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Your wordage professional reasons is vague.
Would that be professional as in a Man of God? as in a Doctor? or as in a Common Whore? All in their own way classified as professionalsor maybe you are his psychiatrist and are concerned about his turbulent inner self.
Pls tell me how Clr Locke has done this?
BroadlyThere is a basic understanding written over the passages of time, literally in blood, that in a democracy those that find themselves in a position of power have an overwhelming duty to serve in a manner that both listens to and benefits the status quo.
SpecificallyClr Matthew Locke was instrumental in instigating the Lewes parking scheme. Under the guise of Lewes needs it its good for you, he continually ignored/s peoples views in a most undemocratic way.
Complaining members of the Chamber of Commerce, letters of genuine concern from the suffering residents/ visitors, exploding parking metres
In an attempt to enforce a scheme that the majority doesnt want, the county town has been blighted by more street signage and furniture then you would expect to find on a grubby, well worn childs play mat.
The red coats (now blue as it was identified that it was the colour the local yokels took offense at) roam the streets like hungry Jackals hunting down the unfortunate shopper who didnt quite make it back to his car in time.
And pay, Oh! How theyll pay.
Its very clear to the commoner that the Lewes Parking Scheme is being run as vicious money making scheme at their expense both financially, socially and visibly.
There is none so blind than those who will not see, none so deaf than those who will not hear would make an apt Locke motto, along with a set of rampant crossed parking meters framed by a sickly double yellow line border.
There is no doubt in my mind that said public servant fails to satisfy my second paragraph regarding democracy & duty to serve in a beneficial manner.
It would be nice if the people of Lewes could vote him out... But of course that cant happen.
If on the off chance you are his psychiatrist then softly whisper in his ear that those bloody commoners dont like him that its time for him to go then do the descent thing and increase his medication significantly.
Hope I in some small way have answered your question purely for professional reasons of course.
On 13 Sep 2008 at 1:03am lopster wrote:
IDLILA you still have our concerns at heart - thankyou, you and your passion are desperately needed in Lewes - thankyou for your "remote" focus on our plight(s) - if only you could fight on our streets as you fight in our ether...
but still the question remains - what is happening to Seymours - ANOTHER purveyor of services to Lewes to bite the dust, another backhander in the Council offices, another cat fattening, another nail in the coffin of Lewes - Lewes will soon become a little Croydon or Crawley
On 13 Sep 2008 at 7:28am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:

Is OK lopster... you'd be surprised who reads these forums.
I may not live in Lewes anymore but I still use its services. I still go to a Lewes dentist and also to The Farmers Market where we buy lots of produce then shove it in the freezer. I put a bag over my head so I'm not spotted.
I have to fight for Lewes cos the Missus likes the market & if there comes a time when we can't go to it ( parking/ currency/ needing a visa) she'll flog me within in an inch of my life... which isnt a wholly unpleasant experience...
When I left Lewes I felt disenfranchised, I still do.
Yes Lewes will lose it's "feelings" but in the long term history of things it doesn't matter. People will still want to live there but there's less and less chance those people will be the original locals.
Just my opinion as they say...

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