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...and yet another one bites the dust

On 27 Sep 2008 at 2:18pm familiar story wrote:
Farewell to the motor/bike shop opposite Laura Ashley. It was taken over by the recievers on Thursday
'I saw You Coming' shops 1- normal shops 0
On 27 Sep 2008 at 2:50pm Sussex girl wrote:
Lewes Motor Factors has gone/is going as well. So, another reason why we have to leave Lewes to buy the things we want.
On 27 Sep 2008 at 3:21pm Enoch wrote:
When the shop by Laura Ashley opened it took half of Lewes Motor Factors trade away and then when the parking scheme came into force it made things worse. Shame they didn't go under a while back then Simon might still have a business and we wouldn't have to go out of town to get motor spares.
On 27 Sep 2008 at 4:26pm Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
It's a great shame, especially as the service at Simon's was so good. Where is the nearest decent motor bits shop now?
On 27 Sep 2008 at 7:23pm Sussex girl wrote:
Probably Halfords in Brighton
On 27 Sep 2008 at 7:38pm harold wrote:
Its at CPA,Car Parts and accessories in the pheonix area they have a range of parts
On 27 Sep 2008 at 9:10pm The Minxorcist wrote:
I'd definately recommend CPA. It has everything you need for your car, it's right on your doorstep, and it has FREE PARKING!!!
The staff know what they are talking about and go out of their way to get the things you need for your motor.
On 28 Sep 2008 at 1:00am Spinster Of This Parish wrote:
Thanks for the info about CPA, but it's still a shame that Lewes Motor Factors is leaving (and will be sadly missed).
Although I'm not that fussed about the Motor/bike shop as I always felt they were trying to poach upon Lewes Motor Fsctors
On 14 Nov 2008 at 3:22am Manager wrote:
The Lewes branch of Motor World was actually doing particulary well, I happen to know as I was the Manager there for 2 years.
The reason it was closed down, was that the company had to close 100 of it 260 branches. Seeing as the company is based in Huddersfield they closed all the southern area shops.
Just think of the 300+ staff including myself, who are now unemployed and havent receved any redundancy pay!

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