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a very bad day

On 10 Oct 2005 at 9:36am I dont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Talk about Deja Vu.
Those parking people have at last reached Seaford.
A questionaire has arrived asking about parking... What's it like in your street? What changes are required? double yellow lines? Public meetings have been organised so you can have your say... which we will promptly discard.
The end of the world is nye...
On 10 Oct 2005 at 12:45pm mick wrote:
Told ya!!
Oh ye of little faith!
Today Lewes, tomorrow the world!
On 10 Oct 2005 at 3:38pm chav wrote:
It shouldnt worry you though eh Phil. I mean, does it matter to you where your window lickers bus parks? How is your nurse by the way?
On 10 Oct 2005 at 4:30pm NCP guy wrote:
funny story in sussex express last friday about a bus getting a parking ticket in seaford- made me laugh, i love putting parking tickets on stuff- can't wait to really get my teeth stuck into you guys down in seaford..who says you cant injoy your job?!!!
On 10 Oct 2005 at 5:03pm Bert_A wrote:
Yes, here we go... I'm in Newhaven and got this parking leaflet today, seeing as I lived in Lewes during the NCP started I have an idea about just how little good it has done the town of Lewes.
Newhaven needs it even less especially as much of Lewes's problems are caused by workers parking in the streets, especially County Hall workers at that!.... Newhaven has NO inner town parking problem, it's carparks are never ever near full any day of the week, the side streets don't suffer much, even those close to the town centre (yes there IS a town centre!)
So I shall be writing to the ESCC making these points well known.
An NCP parking scheme in Newhaven is clearly nothing other than a money making scheme, the town doesn't generally suffer from lousy parking like Lewes did and still does.
Still we all know the parking plan will come to ALL towns eventually, it is a great way to make money for doing almost nothing.
On 10 Oct 2005 at 9:56pm The Tooth Fairy wrote:
I agree 100% with your comments bert. I wonder how long it will be before Hamsey, Offham and Barcome are 'invited' to join scheme. Where there's a car, there's potential revenue.
On 10 Oct 2005 at 10:06pm Bert_A wrote:
Yes, an 'inviation'.... with regard to Lewes, as someone who works in a shop part-time, the benefit I have noticed is that the shop no longer gets time wasters spending hours looking around waiting until their car parking ticket runs out.. now customers rush in and rush out again. It is a great thing actually! but that's the only improvement I have found from the Lewes scheme. I cannot see any other improvement at all, parking is still impossible in residential areas, it costs money and everyday tasks seem much harder. Where exactly IS the improvement that is supposed to have happened with the introduction of this scheme a year ago?
On 11 Oct 2005 at 2:07am CHAV wrote:
*uck u
On 11 Oct 2005 at 8:39pm Bert_A wrote:
You're a very rude boy!
On 12 Oct 2005 at 9:59am I dsont live in lewes anymore wrote:
Agree with you Bert. Like N/haven, Seaford has no parking problems...yet.
Sadly I think the powers that be will look on all those free parking spaces along Seaford seafront (where generations of local families have taken their kids for a day on the beach) as a nice little earner.
Where nice little earners are involved council logic fails.
On 12 Oct 2005 at 9:45pm Mystic mog wrote:
I suggets to "I don't live in lewes anymore" that he does not dicard the questionnaires. For those in Lewes will remember that initailly there was a questionanaire. Of those that were sent out only about 10% were filled out and 55% of those were in favour of a parking scheme. DO NOT ALLOW THE SAME APATHY. BTW there are twice as many cars on the roadas there were in 1980 - hence one of the reasons for lack of parking!
On 13 Oct 2005 at 11:05pm Bert_A wrote:
I have written a letter to go back with the questionaire, it states that my street, like many in Newhaven are half empty during office hours and therefor a parking scheme is not required. Poor parking only occurs after 6pm when the permits are not required anyway. Intrducing a parking schem in Newhaven and Seaford is clearly nothing more than money making. Don't forget that ESCC is having it's arm twisted by John Prescott / Labour ot introduce these schemes. It is not directly ESCC who is to blame (although they should stick up for us!)
I think this questionair is just part of the process... we are going to have a parking sheme here as everywhere will have. It is not optional... it is compulsory.
Don't forget, it's Labour that is ulitmately to blame here.
On 23 Oct 2005 at 3:40pm Jazzy wrote:
I just don't understand it, everyone moans like mad about the NCP parking scheme yet no one seams to stand up and fight against it! Maybe what we should do is all unite and say NO to the scheme. Ok they can fine indivduals, but imagine them trying to take us all on!
On 28 Nov 2005 at 7:25pm lewes pa wrote:
hehe, parking sceme is good. if you park properly you cant moan, its just you lazy idiots who cant be botherd to park legally who get the pcn's!
On 25 Nov 2006 at 6:45pm Bad Boy wrote:
Well having a parking scheme in any town/city means it will put the problem on to anothe town.
If you look at london, they charge you to drive it to center ao you park in lewes or brighton, people who work in lewes or brighton have less space to park so they start the scheme here and there, now we have it in lewes, people in seaford are having people parking there and catching trains to lewes as it's free, it will spread but you can't stop it from happening.
If there is a space and people can save money parking in a different town then where they need to be, they will do it.
If you get a ticket you parked in contravention if not appeal. (Your guilty or not guilty, you have to prove it)
Thats the only choice you have really. (Just got to live with it)

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