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a typical parking dare in Lewes

On 16 Jun 2009 at 12:57pm shopper wrote:
I've been to Kings Framers today as a pedestrian and ordered £9 worth of mountboard. I'm picking the goods up at 3pm in the car (then off to pick nipper No.1 up from school and out to Seaford otherwise I would have walked).

Made sure I paid earlier, so all I've got to do is run in, get the packet and receipt (which I should have got when paying - dooohhh), and get out again.

I'm thinking of not paying for a parking ticket. Is it really worth it for 15 seconds?

And isn't all this planning a bit daft?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 1:17pm Ed Can Do wrote:
I'd park in the carpark by the magic circle and walk (Run) down if I were you, the wardens seem to go up there far less than they patrol the high street. Also, it's about 20p for 15 minutes up there.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 1:29pm shopper wrote:
Where's the magic circle ECD?
On 16 Jun 2009 at 2:21pm Ed Can Do wrote:
Up behind the castle. You get there either by driving past the Lewes Arms and turning immediately right past the pub or by going up the steep road opposite the Elly. The car park is round the corner to the left at the top by the bowling green and you can walk down the far side through a circular area (known as the magic circle) and down some steps that lead to the alley down the side of the Rainbow.
The carpark's rather hidden nature means there's normally spaces there and it's pretty cheap for short-term parking if memory serves. Plus, the attendants don't check it very often.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 2:26pm Ed Can Do wrote:
If you look on Google maps, it's just to the right of the castle itself. Stick http and a colon in front of this url:
It's pretty much bang in the middle.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 3:55pm apple pie wrote:
the official line from NCP is that they wait five mins before taking any actioon, to give you time to buy a ticket - so as long as you are that quick - I wouldnt bother!
On 16 Jun 2009 at 5:18pm ceo ?? wrote:
it's the maltings car park and we do go up there. (for a fag!!)
On 16 Jun 2009 at 6:43pm Been caught out before! wrote:
The wardens will give you 5 minutes grace before issuing a ticket, which the Council considers to be adequate time to locate a machine and buy a pay and display thingy. If you're away longer then 5 minutes you will be fined, and don't go wandering around looking for change either, you can't use the excuse you were just getting change.
But remember if you're parked causing an obstruction, out of bay, disabled bay, bus stop, double kerb markings etc it will be an INSTANT ticket, they don't have to give 5 minutes.
On 16 Jun 2009 at 7:06pm shopper wrote:
Well for those interested I decided to chance it and managed to dive in and out of Kings' without a ticket or a fine.

I repeat my original sentiment though - what a shame you have to worry about this stuff. Imagine having a shop with double yellow lines outside it. You're losing loads of potential customers. There should be a limit of 20 minutes or such like. That's fair enough I think.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 12:24am Lewes Girl wrote:
It's not the 'Magic Circle' . It was always the 'Fairy Ring' in my day ! A bit of underage drinking and lots of snogging !! It felt like a million miles away from the town and very secret, until my parents told me that they had had thier first kiss there !!!.....Yuck, put me right off .
On 17 Jun 2009 at 7:42am Annette Curtin-Twitcher wrote:
You're allowed a certain amount of time for loading (15 minutes?). I leave my tailgate up so it looks like that's what I'm doing.
I came out of a shop once with just one small bag, and traffic warden was standing right by my car, but he didn't say a word when I slammed the boot, got in and drove off. I was already to say that they hadn't got the big, heavy thing I'd come to collect, but I concede that's tricky if you've just popped into Forbuoys for a paper.
On 17 Jun 2009 at 11:36am Ed Can Do wrote:
The Fairy Ring? Sounds more like somewhere in Brighton...
It's always been the Magic Circle as long as I remember but it's good to know that kids have been going there to misbehave for such a long time.

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